Noticias HC

The Mediterranean Diet as a means of reaching a healthy weight and reducing the risk of illnesses

In our consulting service Nutritional Education and Diabetes, our specialist Laura Sánchez Soiza will offer you nutritional advice based on the Mediterranean Diet. The advice focusses on a series of recommendations for your nutrition and lifestyle with a view to reaching a healthy weight, reducing colesterol and triglycerides and stabilising the glucose in the blood, all of which will reduce the risk of suffering cardiovascular illnesses, type II diabetes and cancer.

cocina Mediterránea

Keeping to an ideal weight by following a balanced diet improves our quality of life.


What type of oil is used in the Mediterranean Diet?

Extra virgen olive oil as the main additional fat, rich in antioxidants, betacarotenes and monounsaturated fatty acids, which contain properties that protect our heart.


What are the nutritional recommendations as regards fruit and vegetables in learning to acquire healthy eating habits?

The recommendation is to have 5 portions of vegetables and fresh fruit a day, as well as a daily portion of dried fruits. It is also a good idea to eat dried legumes at least once a week. Thanks to their high content in antioxidants and fibre, these foods contribute to the prevention of cardiovascular illnesses and cancer.

Meat or fish?

The excessive consumption of animal fat is not good for our health, so we are advised to eat small quantities, in the form of stews with vegetables and cereals. We are also advised to eat more white meat than red.


As we recommend in the Mediterranean Diet, we should eat blue fish at least twice a week, since the types of fat that it contains, omega-3 fatty acids, help to prevent cardiovascular illnesses.


How many eggs can we eat per week according to the Mediterranean Diet?

Eating 2 to 4 eggs a week is a good alternative to meat or fish, since they have a high content of protein, vitamins and minerals.


Fresh fruit should be our habitual dessert. Sweets and pastries should be limited to just occasional consumption.

Fresh fruits are a very nutritious form of food which add colour to our diet; they can be recommended as a dessert or as a snack between meals.


Can we consume dairy products?

Dairy products, preferably made from skimmed milk, should be consumed daily, around 2 portions a day, since they have a high biological value in minerals and vitamins. Also, fermented dairy products (yogurts) improve and balance our gut flora and are beneficial because they can reduce the risk of suffering some types of cancer and obesity.


Brown bread and other wholemeal cereals should form part of our daily diet.

If we consume them in a balanced way, they will provide us with the energy to carry out the activities of our daily life.


Water is quintessentially the drink of the Mediterranean. Wine can be consumed in moderation.


To keep healthy and in form, excercise adapted to our needs is recommended.

Our city of Marbella enjoys a fine climate, so it is of great benefit to
accompany all the dietary advice on the Mediterranean Diet with the
practice of an open-air sport adapted to our health needs.

dietista Laura Sánchez

Here in HC Marbella we wish to offer you personalised nutritional advice and a follow-up designed to keep you at a healthy weight and in the best of health, with the help of our specialist in Nutritional Education and Diabetes, Laura Sánchez Soiza.



Dezember 19, 2019




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