Laliberte, Kari
Mental Health
General Health Neuropsychology
At HC you receive personalized and comprehensive psychological and medical care to help you overcome depression. Through a multidisciplinary approach that includes personalized treatment plans tailored by our experienced mental health professionals.
We provide a safe and supportive environment where you can access empowering resources and educational materials, all while fostering a community of understanding and connection.
Our programme takes place in exclusive, state-of-the-art facilities. The highest quality of care is combined with 5-star hospitality to provide evidence-based depression treatment.
At HC Marbella, our personalised approach combines:
Proven to change negative thought patterns.
Providing relief from depressive symptoms.
Enhancing your relationships and social support.
Designed to prevent relapses.
An important component of our holistic program.
If required and optionally, DNA tests can be requested to determine, based on the patient’s genetic information, which drug is the most appropriate, ensuring a personalised and effective treatment plan.
Laliberte, Kari
Mental Health
General Health Neuropsychology
Montero Quirós, Ana
Mental Health
Clinical and Health Psychology
Dr. Jiménez Suárez, Luis
Mental Health
Dr. Martín, Nicole
Spezialist in der inneren Medizin bei HC Marbella
Online appointment and download of test results through My HC.
Tel.: +34 952 908 628
952908898 Onkologie
951829978 Bildgebende Diagnostik
951829947 Gynäkologie
952908897 Fertilitäts-Zentrum
951829947 Physiotherapie