Clinical Trial for Head and Neck Cancer

cabeza y cuello

If you have head and neck cancer, you could access an innovative treatment through our Phase III clinical trial. HC Cancer Center is the only center in Andalusia offering this study!


What does the study consist of?

This study evaluates a new combination of immunotherapy as a first-line treatment, aiming to improve the response in patients with metastatic or recurrent head and neck cancer.


Who can participate?

  • Men and women over the age of 18
  • Diagnosis of metastatic or recurrent head and neck cancer.
  • Positive PD-L1 expression (our team will help you to confirm this).



Participation in this trial does NOT involve any cost for the patient. All medical procedures are covered by the study’s sponsor.


Benefits of participation

  • Access to innovative treatment with specialised medical supervision.
  • Personalised medical attention throughout the trial.
  • Contribution to the advancement of lung cancer research


Technical data sheet

Trial name:
A phase 3 study to evaluate petosemtamab plus pembrolizumab in first-line treatment of head and neck cancer


Protocol code:
EudraCT / EUCT Number:
Merus N.V.

Head and neck cancer

From the age of 18

Phase III

Principal Investigator:
Dr. José Manuel Trigo Pérez


How to participate in the clinical trial
pruebas genéticas cáncer

1. Fill out the form
Complete the following form so that our team know you are interested in the clinical trial.
2. We will contact you personally
Our medical team will contact you to obtain more details and to schedule an appointment.
3. We will explain everything in detail
During your appointment we will give you information on the clinical trial, the available treatment options and the next steps, so that you can make an informed decision about your participation.

Do you have questions?

If you would like to know more, call us on +34 626 662 752 or write to us at We will be happy to help.

I would like to participate in the trial


    Patient name




    Date of birth



    Can you provide us with any medical reports?


    All the documents you send us will remain confidential and only be used by our specialists to understand your medical history and to provide you with more personalised care. To enable this, we require you to authorise us this documentation to be sent for data processing.




    Controller: HC Hospitales, S.L. Purpose: To manage appointment request. Duration: The data is deleted as soon as the information is given to you, unless you contact us or ask us to contact you in the future. Recipients: We do not give your data to anyone. Rights: To access, rectify and delete your data, and others explained in additional information



    Dr. Ponce Aix, Santiago
    Facharzt in Medizinischer Onkologie
    Klinische Widmung bei Lungenkrebs

    Tel.: +34 952 908 628
    +34 609 148 799

    952908898 Onkologie
    951829978 Bildgebende Diagnostik
    951829947 Gynäkologie
    952908897 Fertilitäts-Zentrum
    951829947 Physiotherapie




      Quiero recibir mails con ofertas y novedades sobre este y otros servicios *



      Responsable: HC Hospitales, S.L. Finalidad: Gestionar la solicitud de la cita. Mandarte información vía newsletter, si lo aceptas. Finalidad: Gestionar la solicitud de la cita. Mandarte información vía newsletter, si lo aceptas. Duración: Los datos se eliminan en cuanto se te da la información, salvo que contrates o que nos pidas que te contactemos a futuro. En el newsletter, en cuanto te borras del mismo. Destinatarios: No cedemos tus datos a nadie. Derechos: A acceder, rectificar, y suprimir tus datos, y otros derechos explicados en la información adicional:



      • 900877454 Call Center
      • 609 148 799
      • 952908898 Onkologie
      • 951829947 Gynäkologie
      • 952908897 Fertilitäts-Zentrum
      • 952908131 Krankenhaus Apotheke