Noticias HC

Dermatitis appears on hands # covid19

dermatitis por lavado de manosThe good use of hygiene standards against covid-19 produce hand dermatitis.


From the Dermatology Unit of HC Marbella, our doctor Marta Frieyro talks to us about the dermatological problems that are appearing at the moment due to the good compliance with the recommended hygiene standards against Covid-19.


Dr. Frieyro sends us some recommendations to help the population.


The forced repeated washing of hands makes the hydrolipidic mantle disappear from the skin and, as a consequence, dermatitis of the hands appears, both in health personnel and in the general population. The aggression will be different from some people to others, greater in those skins that suffer from atopic dermatitis and other skin diseases.


Hand dermatitis EVOLVES IN 3 PHASES:

  • Phase 1-Dry, scratchy hands, decreased quality of touch.
  • Phase 2-Redness and burning, itching or stinging sensation.
  • Phase 3-Flaking, Cracks, Papules (small red grains), Vesicles (small grains of liquid content) and Blisters. If the aggression is more intense, we can reach phase 3 more quickly.


TO PREVENT hand dermatitis we advise:

  1. Use mild or syndet soaps for washing, which are equally effective in preventing the spread of the virus as the more aggressive ones.
  2. Hydrates the skin of the hands after each wash. You can use a hand cream (based on Ceramides, Vitamin E, hyaluronic acid) better without perfumes, parabens or other preservatives such as kathon or methylisothiazolines or use Vaseline. A litle bit of neuter non-scented vaseline can be very helpful.
  3. Do not use powdered gloves or add powder to facilitate putting them on. Avoid latex gloves. Those made of plastic, nitrile or vinyl do less damage to our skin. Plastic gloves (gas station type) can be used on the skin and cream, under the latex ones.



  • In Phase 1, it is possible that extreme measures described in PREVENTION, will reverse the problem.
  • In Phases 2 and 3, tolerance to moisturizers is poor (not so much to non-perfumed vaseline) and you need treatment with a topical corticosteroid prescribed regularly for 1-2 weeks, depending on the intensity. If you have any questions, call the dermatology consultation, where we will recommend the appropriate one for the case, its schedule and duration, and we can prescribe it at MUP. And, of course, do not stop taking precautionary measures.



April 7, 2020




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