Dr Rosa Villatoro, specialist in genitourinary tumours
A Beacon of Hope and Professionalism
A Beacon of Hope and Professionalism
Professional excellence and continuous dedication.
Although most insect bites and stings cause only mild discomfort such as pain and swelling, some can cause more serious allergic reactions.
Oncology specialist, combining professionalism and humanity.
Internet use has grown exponentially around the world in recent years. An internet connection has become an essential tool for work, communication and leisure, with numerous aspects of our lives directly dependent on it. According to recent publications, currently more than 5 billion people use the internet, representing 67.9% of the population, with a growth of 1392% in the last 22 years.
La aparición en los últimos años de nuevas sustancias de abuso supone un reto, tanto para el personal sanitario que atiende a las personas que consumen estas drogas como para las familias a la hora de detectar de forma precoz el consumo para poder pedir ayuda especializada. [Weiterlesen]
El Dr. Luis Jiménez Suárez pasa consulta de psiquiatría en HC Marbella y en la actualidad es facultativo especialista de Área de Psiquiatría en el Hospital Regional Universitario de Málaga.
El centro oftalmológico de HC Marbella International Hospital aúna tecnología de última generación con la experiencia de un equipo multidisciplinar especializado por áreas en la atención ocular. [Weiterlesen]
HC Marbella Hospital Internacional ha sido avalado con la distinción Q de Calidad Turística.
Vitamin D has generated a lot of interest in recent years, not only for its role in calcium metabolism and subsequently the health of our bones, but also for its potential health benefits at other levels such as in the immune system. [Weiterlesen]
Online appointment and download of test results through My HC.
Tel.: +34 952 908 628
952908898 Onkologie
951829978 Bildgebende Diagnostik
951829947 Gynäkologie
952908897 Fertilitäts-Zentrum
951829947 Physiotherapie