Clínica Privada Marbella

HC Videos


The value of a smile: International Women’s Day 2020

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The long lasting PICC catheter and the reservoir catheter, by Mariano Melguizo

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PICC line catheter, by the oncology nurse María Garrido

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El Dr. Alfonso Antequera nos cuenta todo sobre el proyecto EnganCHADos. Conectamos en directo con Chad

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Treatment for microcytic lung cancer, by Dr. Santiago Ponce

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Gynäkologie- Abteilung: eine Referenz an der Costa del Sol

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Information for the oncology patient, by Lorena Pagán

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+34 609 148 799

952908898 Onkologie
951829978 Bildgebende Diagnostik
951829947 Gynäkologie
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