Noticias HC

Alcohol consumption among adolescents

September is already here, but the good weather and warm temperatures prolong the summer atmosphere and with it a climate ideal for fun and leisure. Consequently, it is also a period in which the risk of recreational alcohol consumption among young people persists, a problem that worries both parents and health professionals.


According to the Survey on Drug Use in Secondary Education in Spain (ESTUDES) 2022, 75.9% of adolescents aged between 14 and 18 have consumed alcohol at some time in their lives, and 24.3% have admitted to having had an episode of consumption in the last month. This context underlines the importance of promoting healthy habits and effective preventive education.

alcohol y adolescencia


Understanding the risks of alcohol in adolescence

An adolescent’s body and mind are still developing, which makes alcohol consumption particularly harmful. Alcohol can affect brain maturation, interfere with cognitive and emotional development, and increase the propensity for risky behaviours, such as drink-driving or engaging in dangerous activities. In addition, adolescents who start drinking at an early age are more likely to develop alcohol problems in adulthood. Immediate physical effects include loss of coordination, impaired judgement and the risk of acute intoxication, which can lead to fatal consequences.


In the long term, regular alcohol consumption in adolescence is associated with mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety, as well as difficulties in academic performance and interpersonal relationships. Education campaigns should emphasise these risks, providing young people with the information they need to make informed and responsible choices.


Prevention strategies: communication and education

One of the most effective approaches to preventing underage drinking is to encourage open communication between parents and children. It is essential that parents talk to their children about the risks of alcohol and create a safe space for adolescents to express their doubts and concerns. This conversation should be ongoing and adapted to the age and maturity of the young person, using clear and accessible examples.


On the other hand, prevention education in schools and communities plays a crucial role. Programmes such as the Ministry of Health’s “Alcohol and Minors” offer educational resources and activities that can help young people understand the consequences of alcohol consumption. These programmes, combined with the involvement of parents and educators, can create an environment that discourages alcohol consumption. In addition, the reinforcement of alternative activities, such as sports, arts and volunteering, can divert attention away from alcohol to healthier and more rewarding options.


What to do if alcohol use is already occurring?

Dealing with a situation where an adolescent has already begun to use alcohol requires sensitivity and support. It is important to address the issue without confrontation or judgement, which can lead to resistance or the hiding of the problem. Seeking the support of a health professional is essential to guide both the adolescent and his or her family in the recovery process. At HC Marbella we offer psychological and medical support services for adolescents and their families, providing a safe space to address these problems.


In addition, using resources such as the guides and infographics by the Ministry of Health, which explain the effects of alcohol and prevention strategies, can be of great help to parents and educators. These tools not only provide useful information, but also offer practical strategies for dealing with the issue at home and at school.


At the same time, it is essential that society as a whole, including parents, educators and health professionals, join in a coordinated effort to protect our young people from the dangers of alcohol.


At HC Marbella Hospital, we are committed to the health and well-being of our patients and their families. If you need support or additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Remember that prevention is always better than cure, and together we can ensure a healthier future for our adolescents.


If you think that you or someone in your environment needs help, ask for specialist evaluation in our psychiatry/psychology department.


Dra. Paloma Rosas
Dr. Paloma Rosas Marqués
General practitioner




September 18, 2024




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