
Thank you to Dr. Boerger and his team for their professionalism

Traumatólogo en Marbella Dr. Boerger


Traumatólogo en Marbella Dr. Boerger


My husband and I would like to express our most sincere gratitude for the outstanding service and care I received from each and member of staff i.e. nurses/ auxiliries/ physio/ Xray and kitchen staff during my stay from 20/1/20 to 25/1/20 following my hip replacement op.


To Tania for her consistent assistance, interest and concerns.


A special thank you to Dr. Boerger and his team for their professionalism in making my op a success.


And finally, but certainly by no means least, a huge thanks to you Louise for your efficient organisation, info and updates throughout.


God Bless you all xxx


Best regards


M & P



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