Noticias HC

Physical exercise, a great ally in the fight against cancer

Intensive procedures are often required in the treatment of cancer, including treatments combining surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy etc. Many times these forms of treatment are accompanied by side effects such as nausea, serious infections, organ damage (heart, lung, kidney, liver), loss of bone density and muscular strength, all damaging to physical health.

Physical exercise against cancer

Years ago the recommendation was to stay in bed and rest as much as necessary. Nowadays being too immobile is considered to make your physical health worse, except in those cases where it cannot be avoided for medical reasons. Treatment side effects can be prevented or reduced to a minimum with the introduction of a physical exercise training programme, during or shortly after cancer treatment.


Thanks to numerous research projects we now understand the physical and psychological benefits of physical exercise on oncology patients. It has been shown that when practised regularly, in appropriate surroundings under professional supervision, that over a period of time the function of the immune system improves. The side effects of harsh treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy are minimised and there is a notable effect on the patient’s state of mind.



How physical exercise affects the body’s organs and systems

Fisioterapia oncológicaMovement increases the body’s energy requirements, fundamentally at a muscular level, but also in the cardiovascular system, nervous system, respiratory and metabolic systems. To respond to these increased energy requirements, most of the body’s systems are brought into use:  the cardiovascular system to pump and transport more blood; the respiratory system to take in more oxygen which is then transported by the blood to the muscles; the metabolic system to provide nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins…) needed for our muscles; as well as the nervous and endocrine systems which are responsible for coordinating all these processes.


Stimulation through exercise of all the body’s organs and systems produces changes in the medium term which improve function and capacity. During exercise energy is burned and function of the majority of systems is modified. When recovering afterwards equilibrium is restored and function can even be improved in accordance with how often training is repeated. We all know that in biology there is one basic principle: „every organ and system which is not stimulated or used starts to atrophy,“ and with this in mind, physical exercise clearly has a positive effect.


The regular practice of physical exercise (between 3 and 5 times a week) generally promotes beneficial effects on our health and our defences against cancer, including


  • Helping us to maintain an ideal weight, reducing body fat whilst increasing muscle mass
  • Bringing down blood pressure.
  • Improving the function of the cardiovascular system.
  • Helping to prevent osteoporosis and delay arthritis.
  • Reducing the incidence of back pain.
  • Helping to prevent type 2 diabete.
  • Improving self-esteem.
  • Reducing the incidence of depression.
  • Combating the effects of ageing.
  • Providing secondary effects on oncological/immunological health.


In this table we can then see the scientifically demonstrated, beneficial effects.

 It continues and improves  It reduces
 Strength and muscle mass  Cancer symptoms/side effects
 Cardiovascular function  Severity of symptoms
 Immune capacity  Tiredness and poor treatment tolerance
 Ability to move about  Psychological and emotional stress
 Physical capacity  Length of hospital admission
 Self-esteem/Self-image  Depression and anxiety

 There is still a more generally held belief that to obtain benefit from physical exercise it is necessary to perform it at a painfully high intensity. Nothing could be further from the truth. All research has shown that the main beneficial effects of exercise are obtained when it is performed at an enjoyable, moderate intensity, and even more importantly when practised regularly.
Fisioterapia oncológica

Preventative exercises following cancer treatment

The most recommended preventative exercises following oncology treatment are those involving the large muscle groups (dynamic exercises), these activities do not have to be restricted to just walking or using a static bicycle. To achieve the best results we suggest following these recommendations:

  • Regular exercise is the key to success.
  • Avoid monotony and routine. Perform varied and diverse exercises.
  • Do exercises which allow the development of all physical qualities (resistance, strength, flexibility, coordination).
  • The exercise intensity must allow you to enjoy it, avoid tiredness.
  • Be careful when exercising in extreme conditions (cold and heat).
  • Start and finish exercise progressively.
  • Avoid exercise when you have had nothing to eat or drink and keep yourself well hydrated.
  • Use comfortable footwear appropriate for each activity.
  • Use suitable protective clothing and equipment (sunglasses, sun cream, etc) to prevent undesirable problems.
  • For a habit to be really healthy it must be enjoyable.


Treatment of oncology patients at HC Marbella is provided by a multidisciplinary team whose objective is to improve our patients‘ quality of life, reduce the effects of the cancer and to help patients return to their physical state of health prior to being unwell. With this in mind we encourage improvement in physical health through monitored programmes. These programmes are tailored to the patient’s condition by qualified professionals, highly experienced in this field.


Contact us with no obligation

Eva Rando
Eva Rando

Fisioterapeuta de  HC Marbella International Hospital



Februar 18, 2016




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