Paraneoplastic Neurologic Syndromes Associated with Merkel Cell Carcinoma
At HC Marbella, we are proud to have been the first private hospital in Spain to receive QOPI certification (Quality Oncology Practice Initiative) from the Foundation for Excellence and Quality in Oncology (ECO), the ASCO partner in Spain, in November 2021
This accreditation, valid for three years with yearly monitoring checks, ensures that we offer high quality oncological care, reinforcing our goal of improving the care, health outcomes and safety of our cancer patients
We renew certification in 2024, reaffirming our commitment to delivering the best possible cancer care. Our patients can focus on their recovery with peace of mind, secure in the knowledge that they are in the hands of certified experts.
We received accreditation from SGS International Certification Services Ibérica S.A.U. in May 2024. This certification, valid for three years with annual monitoring audits, both internal and external, covers our inpatient services, outpatient department and investigations, as well as care and management processes.
With this accreditation we reaffirm our dedication to providing safe medical care of the highest quality with a particular focus on continuous improvement.
Confident they are in the hands of certified experts, our patients are able to focus on their health securely. We are committed to maintaining and exceeding these standards until renewal in May 2027
Certified with the Q for Tourism Quality according to the UNE ISO 22525:2021 standard, awarded by the Spanish Institute for Tourism Quality (ICTE) in April 2024. This accreditation, valid for three years with annual monitoring through internal and external audits, covers our inpatient services, outpatient departments and investigations, as well as care and management processes. The next renewal is planned for April 2027.
This recognition of the hospital’s quality of care, granted by the Spanish Institute for Tourism Quality (ICTE), makes HC the first Andalusian hospital to obtain the Q mark, the third in Spain, underlining its commitment to excellence in care.
With this certification, we reaffirm our commitment to providing a high-quality hospital experience, focused on patient safety, comfort and satisfaction, ensuring both national and international patients feel at home.
The Nuclear Medicine Unit is internationally accredited by the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) for its PET quality controls with F-18.
This accreditation, obtained after rigorous quality control tests of our PET/CT facilities, strengthens HC Marbella as a leader in the field of nuclear medicine, being the first private centre in the region to receive this prestigious recognition.
We are committed to providing accurate and reliable diagnostics through the use of innovative technology and strict quality controls. Our focus on accuracy and continuous improvement ensures that our patients receive the highest quality of care in nuclear medicine diagnostic imaging.
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+34 609 148 799
952908898 Onkologie
951829978 Bildgebende Diagnostik
951829947 Gynäkologie
952908897 Fertilitäts-Zentrum
951829947 Physiotherapie