visita oftalmólogo
visita oftalmólogo

Prepare su visita al oftalmólogo



Hospital visit

When you come to our hospital for a consultation at the Ophthalmology Unit of HC, please follow the instructions outlined below, this will ensure that everything runs as smoothly and comfortably as possible.



paciente oftalmólogo
We will always appreciate your punctuality. Please try not to arrive more than 15 minutes before the time of your appointment to avoid crowds in the waiting rooms.
If there is a delay in the doctor’s surgery, we will, to the extent possible, postpone the appointment time and contact you by telephone so that you can rearrange your schedule.


Bring notes on all the medications you take, the doses and dosage, as well as any eye drops you may already be using.
If available, a history of the prescriptions you have been using can be very helpful. Also, please bring your spectacles and contact lenses, including their cases and solutions.
Sunglasses: they will be particularly useful after the application of drops to dilate the pupil.
It is recommended that you are accompanied and/or avoid driving after the visit. The discomfort caused by pupil dilation may hinder your ability to drive safely.

Please go to the main reception desk to be directed to the appropriate doctor’s office.
Appointments may take up to two to three hours depending on the examinations required. You may experience delays, so if you need to leave briefly during the wait, please inform the staff.
Follow-up and Additional Test: Pupil dilation will often be required.

paciente oculista

If you need to change or cancel your appointment, please inform us as soon as possible so that we can reassign your slot to another patient. Use the contact details provided in your appointment confirmation for any changes.
En el improbable caso de que, por razones de fuerza mayor, tuviésemos que posponer su cita, le propondríamos otra fecha lo más cercana posible.


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    For Emergencies +34 952 908 538

    contacto oftalmología


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    Tel.: +34 952 908 628
    +34 609 148 799

    952908898 Onkologie
    951829978 Bildgebende Diagnostik
    951829947 Gynäkologie
    952908897 Fertilitäts-Zentrum
    951829947 Physiotherapie




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      Responsable: HC Hospitales, S.L. Finalidad: Gestionar la solicitud de la cita. Mandarte información vía newsletter, si lo aceptas. Finalidad: Gestionar la solicitud de la cita. Mandarte información vía newsletter, si lo aceptas. Duración: Los datos se eliminan en cuanto se te da la información, salvo que contrates o que nos pidas que te contactemos a futuro. En el newsletter, en cuanto te borras del mismo. Destinatarios: No cedemos tus datos a nadie. Derechos: A acceder, rectificar, y suprimir tus datos, y otros derechos explicados en la información adicional:


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