Dr. Cano Iglesias, Enrique
Especialista en Radiofísica Hospitalaria
Radiotherapy in benign conditions uses the anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative effects of low-dose radiation to treat musculoskeletal, inflammatory, degenerative and proliferative processes.
The same radiation techniques are used as in oncological conditions, but at much lower doses, making the side effects minimal or non-existent.
Usually treatment consists of a few non-invasive sessions, of short duration.
The goal of treatment is to improve symptoms, with high success at reducing pain or even eradicating it completely
What is it?
Arthritis is a chronic degenerative disease, of unknown cause, characterised by the gradual loss of articular cartilage.
The types of osteoarthritis we treat:
Osteoarthritis of the knee, hip and thumb. Its use in other joints can also be considered.
Advantages of radiotherapy:
It provides a non-invasive treatment option when no benefit has been obtained with other techniques, it is also an option for those patients who decline or who are not candidates for surgery.
By reducing pain, the need for anti-inflammatory medication with its possible side effects is reduced.
What is it?
It is a degenerative disorder of the periarticular soft tissues which generates pain that increases with movement.
The types of bursitis we treat:
Different joint locations such as the shoulder, medial epicondylitis (“golfer’s elbow”), lateral epicondylitis (“tennis elbow”), etc.
Advantages of radiotherapy:
It is a non-invasive treatment which can be given despite previous ineffective treatments.
What is it?
Calcification in the heel due to repeated trauma, producing intense pain.
Advantages of radiotherapy
It slows progression of the disease
It is a non-invasive treatment which can be given despite previous conservative treatments.
It improves discomfort caused by the disease.
What is it?
Plantar fascia fibrosis is due to repeated trauma causing pain or discomfort.
Advantages of radiotherapy:
It is a non-invasive treatment which can be given despite previous conservative treatments.
It avoids surgical treatment.
What is it?
It is a hyperproliferative disorder of the palmar fascia (Dupuytren) or plantar aponeurosis (Ledderhose), which may result in fixed flexion contracture of the joints.
Advantages of radiotherapy
It is a non-invasive treatment performed in the initial phases which slows development of the disease or even leads to clinical improvement.
It may prevent the need for surgery.
What are they?
Keloids are an excess proliferation of connective tissue during the healing process.
They can develop after repeated operations in the same location, burns or other attacks on the skin. Although surgery is the treatment of choice, they can recur.
As this treatment is given in the first few hours following surgery, or in the hours prior, a consultation is recommended before surgery is planned.
Advantages of radiotherapy
It reduces the probability of recurrence, improving the aesthetic result.
Dr. Cano Iglesias, Enrique
Especialista en Radiofísica Hospitalaria
Dr. Nuño Cristina
Spezialist für Radioonkologie
Dr. Sedano Ferreras, Paula
Spezialist für Radioonkologie
Dr. García Baltar, José Antonio
Especialista en Radiofísica Hospitalaria
Tel.: +34 952 908 628
+34 609 148 799
952908898 Onkologie
951829978 Bildgebende Diagnostik
951829947 Gynäkologie
952908897 Fertilitäts-Zentrum
951829947 Physiotherapie