Noticias HC

#Sexual Education

Live happily with sexuality

Doesn’t it seem sad that something so important and pleasurable, could become such a source of conflict? Sexual education is an example of this.


There is no social debate, televised or on the radio, dealing with whatever sex-related topic (how to you a condom, impotence, the day after pill, abortion, etc.) that ends without making reference to the need for sexual education. A “polite” person know to respect those around them, has solidarity, and recognizes their own dignity and that of others.


Sexuality exists. It cannot be ignored, rejected, or marginalized. To live sexuality in an enriching way requires knowing its keys, accepting its dimensions, and the positive experience of the emotions it entails.

Educación Sexual

What sexual education is being taught to children and teenagers?

Sexual education continues being a pending addition in the Spanish education system. It is not yet formally integrated material in the school calendar. However, it is more and more necessary to inform young people on this topic to slow the growing occurrence of unwanted pregnancies in teenagers and/or sexually transmitted diseases related to certain sexist attitudes that have become a blight on society: violence against women and sexual violence. In order to end such attitudes, “it is essential to receive a good sexual education, that must address this subject without ideological determinants of any type,” explains the State Federation for Family Planning.


Eight years ago, Unesco advised a guide about juvenile sexuality: “Sexual education is as important as mathematics.”


According to the experts, adolescents have less and lower quality information dealing with sexually transmitted diseases and the various contraceptive methods that exist. Both because public campaigns in the media have declined and because the resources used to carry out such campaigns or sexual education workshops in schools, have been limited.


The number of unwanted pregnancies in teenagers in Spain is growing

Despite the limited sexual education taught in Spain, the young people of our country believe they know everything related to sexuality and assure to know all of the contraceptive methods they have “at their fingertips.” However, despite all of the modernity we have experienced, one in five young people – millennials: those born in the 1980s or 1990s – do not use any contraceptive method. Not even the pill or condoms, the most well-known options.


“Within young people under 15 years of age, the occurrence of unwanted pregnancies has increased by four times in the last ten years,” assures the president of the Spanish Federation of Contraception, Ezequiel Pérez Campos, who attributes this increase to the bombardment of sexual images that young people are subjected to, in which sexual relations are promoted and insisted upon. Many of these pregnancies end in abortion.


Consequences of premature maternity

According to the experts, the most appropriate age to become a mother is between 20 and 35 years of age, since the risk for both mother and child is much lower at these ages. Pregnancy during adolescence is considered high risk and carries many complications. The adolescent is not prepared physically or mentally to have a baby and to assume the responsibility of maternity.


Furthermore, premature maternity has a “strong impact” in the future life of women, as much as in their educational aspirations as in their access to the job market.


Due to this, it is fundamental to promote responsible sexuality from all sides, beginning with the family, continuing with the school, and of course, with the support and collaboration of medical professionals.


At HC Marbella we share this responsibility.

Our genealogical team will resolve, with total confidentiality, all doubts related to the aspects of sexuality related to health: contraceptive methods, sexually transmitted diseases, HPV vaccinations, etc.


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Februar 14, 2018




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