Unlike conventional mammography, which obtains for images, DBT obtains hundreds of images that allow the view of the whole breast as it really is.
These results are possible thanks to a head on top of the device that moves around the breast like in the drawing of an arch, while taking images.
3D reconstruction of the images obtained during the test enable a global and precise vision of the breast.
More specificity: it is easier for the radiologist to see if a certain pathology observed is indeed a tumour or not, thus significantly avoiding the need of subsequent unnecessary biopsies.
More sensitivity: it helps detect up to 43% more cases than conventional mammography.
Early detection: the vision of the breast obtained by this technique helps find potential injuries even if they are of a very small size, allowing for the implementation of less aggressive treatments if the final diagnostic is cancer-related.
By avoiding tissue superposition, it is significantly useful in detecting damage in dense breasts.
März 14, 2019
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