Noticias HC

Juice Therapy: Eduardo’s Recipes

Juice recipes


These are a few examples of how juices help keep your body healthy and how they help you when ailments appear.


Remember that your intake should be continued more than a few days. And remember that all these recipes you can personalize by adding the fruit of your choice.


Purifying juice

150 grams of red grapes, a piece of celery and a grapefruit. Add teaspoon of ginger.


Juice – Against colds and flu

50 grams of currants, 2 kiwi and 1/2 grapefruit. Add a teaspoon of garlic powder and another of powdered parsley.


Juice – Against Infections

Two teaspoons garlic powder, one teaspoon of ginger, an infusion of green tea and 150grs of berries or 200 grams of strawberries.


Juice – Slimming

½ apple, three carrots, three slices of pineapple and a few drops of apple cider vinegar.


Juice – Hangover

A large tomato, two slices of cucumber, a splash of olive oil and an egg yolk. Add an apple if you wish. And if you want to remove a headache (if any), add a few drops of sherry.


Juice – Anti fatigue

A shot of sea water, two carrots and an apple.


Juice – To regulate the intestinal transit

Two pears and fresh parsley.


Grapefruit juice

Helps cleanse the liver. Add any fruit to taste, two grapefruits and two black plums, for example.


Juice – Anti stress

A celery stick, half an apple and three carrots.



Juli 1, 2015




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