These are a few examples of how juices help keep your body healthy and how they help you when ailments appear.
Remember that your intake should be continued more than a few days. And remember that all these recipes you can personalize by adding the fruit of your choice.
150 grams of red grapes, a piece of celery and a grapefruit. Add teaspoon of ginger.
50 grams of currants, 2 kiwi and 1/2 grapefruit. Add a teaspoon of garlic powder and another of powdered parsley.
Two teaspoons garlic powder, one teaspoon of ginger, an infusion of green tea and 150grs of berries or 200 grams of strawberries.
½ apple, three carrots, three slices of pineapple and a few drops of apple cider vinegar.
A large tomato, two slices of cucumber, a splash of olive oil and an egg yolk. Add an apple if you wish. And if you want to remove a headache (if any), add a few drops of sherry.
A shot of sea water, two carrots and an apple.
Two pears and fresh parsley.
Helps cleanse the liver. Add any fruit to taste, two grapefruits and two black plums, for example.
A celery stick, half an apple and three carrots.
Juli 1, 2015
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