Noticias HC

1 Out of Every 10 Women Has It and Doesn’t Know It Endometriosis, the Little-Known Condition.

Endometriosis is a chronic condition that affects young women. It has a high prevalence (1 in every 10 women) but it does not have the same gravity in all cases. The most widely accepted theory about its development is the formation of endometrium (which is the layer of tissue lining the inside of the uterus and expelled at every menstrual cycle) where it doesn’t belong.


The most common symptom is menstrual pain which increases with age and sometimes lasts the whole period. This affects women’s quality of life and sometimes the cramps become disabling.


The best method to obtain a correct diagnosis is by undergoing a pelvic ultrasound. The most common sign is the identification of “chocolate cysts” in the ovaries. But sometimes there are smaller implants are in the pelvis and affect the Fallopian tubes, the peritoneum and other organs in the intra-abdominal area, such as the bladder, the bowels and the rectum.


The most important consequence of this condition is the risk of infertility.


This is why the gynaecologist’s job is to follow up on the affected woman her whole life since her symptoms and her needs may change over time. Sometimes it’s a real juggling act to balance treating the symptoms and addressing the desire for childbearing.


The treatment must be adapted to the individual and attempt to meet the following objectives:

Managing the symptoms, regaining fertility, preventing recurrences and finally, treating endometriotic lesions. Medical treatment can help manage the symptoms which is why it is the preferred course of action.


Up until now hormonal birth control pills have given a good response and level of tolerance. Nowadays new treatments such as selective estrogen and progesterone receptor modulators open new doors for treating women who want to preserve their fertility. Surgery should only be used in certain cases and at certain stages and must of course be performed by expert surgeons. A successful intervention avoids relapses and is efficient in order to remove all trace of the condition.


From the Gynaecology Unit at HC Marbella International Hospital we encourage women who believe to be suffering from endometriosis to visit their gynaecologist. We also want to remind you of the importance of prevention and annual check-ups since endometriosis does not manifest itself the same way in all women.


Dra. Ángela Escobar
Dr. Ángela Escobar Casas

Gynaecologist. Breast specialist.
HC Marbella International Hospital


Make an appointment today: 952 908 628



March 29, 2020




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