Dr. Capitán Cañadas, Luis
Jefe de la Unidad de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial de HC Marbella
The female chin tends to converge at the midpoint. Fortunately, the chin may be modified in terms of height, width and projection. Modifications will vary depending on the anatomical characteristics of the patient and the desired outcome.
Surgeons perform a sliding genioplasty, where the chin is cut from back to front and a section of horseshoe-shaped bone is separated. From that point, the width and height of the chin can be modified by removing various sections. The final angle of the segment will produce the desired projection or recession.
Sometimes liposuction is performed to remove the excess fat that may be present under the chin, which results in better definition and shape.
Liposuction of the neck and jaw, in which fat is removed from the underside of the chin in order to minimise the appearance of a double chin or jowls, is one of the most rewarding cosmetic surgery procedures. Excess deposits of fat in the chin and neck can give the appearance of being overweight. One of the biggest advantages of liposuction of the neck is the change that is experienced with a relatively simple procedure and with a limited number of incisions.
In addition to the forehead and eye area, an important feature of the female face is its overall shape. In general, this impression is largely determined by the contours of the jaw. Feminization of the jaw involves reducing the volume and eliminating the corners near the earlobes so the final outcome is a more rounded face. In cases where the masseter muscles are too thick, they can be also reduced.
A prominent Adam’s apple may be a permanent stigma for a transgender girl, and reducing its size is one of the most common surgical procedures in Feminization. An effective solution to this aesthetic problem is to surgically reduce the thyroid cartilage, which creates a feminine look.
A trachea shave is another simple and quick Feminization procedure, but it must always be performed by a skilled surgeon.
Home » Specialties of HC Marbella » Mund,- Kiefer- und Gesichts-Chirurgie » Cirugía tercio inferior
Dr. Capitán Cañadas, Luis
Jefe de la Unidad de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial de HC Marbella
Dr. Jiménez Bellinga, Raúl
Oral and Maxillofacial Specialist at HC Marbella
Dr. Bailón Berrio, Luis Carlos
Oral and maxillofacial surgery Specialist at HC Marbella
Dr. Gutiérrez, Javier
Oral and maxillofacial surgery specialist at HC Marbella
Tel.: +34 952 908 628
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