
Calculate your Body Mass Index

This index is only valid for people over 18. It does not apply to athletes, pregnant women, children, or adults over the age of 70.


Weight (Kg.) / Height (m2) BMI= Kg./ m2


BMI <18.5 Underweight (Less than 59.24 kg.)

BMI 18.5-24.9 Healthy weight (From 59.28 and 80.07 kg.)

BMI 25-26.9 Overweight Class I (From 80.1 and 86.48 kg.)

BMI 27-29.9 Overweight Class II (pre-obese) (From 86.51 and 96.09 kg.)

BMI 30-34.9 Obese Class I (From 96.12 and 112.11 kg.)

BMI 35-39.9 Obese Class II (From 112.14 and 128.13 kg.)

BMI 40-49.9 Obese Class III (severely obese) (From 128.16 and 160.17 kg.)

BMI >50 Obese Class IV (very severely obese) (Over 160.2 kg.)


Body fat is a major predictor of complications of obesity. There are different types of obesity:


a) Android, central or abdominal obesity (apple shape): excessive body fat in the face, thorax and abdomen. This type of obesity is associated with a higher incidence of dyslipidaemia, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and increased mortality in general.


b) Gynoid or peripheral obesity (pear shape): fat accumulation in the hips and thighs. This type of fat distribution is primarily associated with problems with the flow of blood from the lower extremities back to the heart (varicose veins) and with arthrosis of the knee (gonarthrosis).


To determine obesity type, divide the waist circumference by the hip circumference.


Waist-to-hip ratio

▪ In women > 0.9 android obesity

▪ In women < 0.9 gynoid obesity

▪ In men > 1 android obesity

▪ In men < 1 gynoid obesity


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