This mission is carried out through the information provided by the analysis of biological samples, to improve the diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring of their pathology, as well as to prevent it.
Our clinical laboratory, led by Dr. Marco A. Sempere, aims to improve the patient’s health, applying the available scientific evidence at all times. To do this, and from a transversal perspective, the laboratory makes available to the patient all the diagnostic tests it needs, providing results in time to avoid delays its diagnosis and treatment.
The fluid communication between the laboratory and the doctors of the hospital, improves the performance of our professionals: it facilitates the exchange of updated and necessary knowledge to help the patient.
Quality and its two main dimensions, patient safety and personalized patient care, are our priorities: we are aware that there is a patient behind each sample. There is a large amount of diagnostic tests in a clinical laboratory, which, if not prescribed with knowledge, may be of little use with cost to the patient, and may lead to overdiagnosis which in turn may generate a cascade of actions that may become harmful to the patient. Conscious of this fact and from the ethical point of view, the laboratory contributes its knowledge to avoid overdiagnoses, and to offer the tests that really can be useful.
Under these premises, the clinical laboratory offers the patient diagnostic tests that cover all the specialties of the clinical laboratory:
- Clinical Analysis,
- Biochemistry,
- Clinical Immunology,
- Hematology and
- Medical Genetics.
Our facilities have their own clinical laboratory, which allows us to offer an agile analytical response time according to the needs of our patients. This facilitates the exchange of direct information between the laboratory team and our medical team, advising and giving a personalized treatment so that our patient benefits.
All the complex process involved in making a report from the laboratory, since the tests are requested, the sample is taken, the analytical determination is made, the report is formalized, until the patient doctor receives his results, is subject to a supervision and quality control (pre analytical, analytical and post analytical) taking care of response times. The professionals behind this process are highly qualified and committed to staying updated to benefit our patients.
Our service portfolio extends to all laboratory tests, and we offer a wide range of tests, among which we can highlight the processing and analysis of samples in syndromic contexts to:
- General biochemical studies in serum and urine.
- Biochemical studies in the diagnosis and monitoring of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).
- Studies of tumor markers: diagnosis, prognosis, treatment monitoring in tumors.
- Screening and monitoring of dyslipidemia.
- Diagnosis and monitoring of diabetes (HBA1c and microalbumin). Screening for gestational diabetes.
- Studies of basic hormonal assessment (gynecological, thyroid, adrenal, etc.)
- Study of acid-base balance and arterial and venous oxygenation
- Cardiac markers in Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) and Heart failure (Troponin, Pro-BNP).
- Evaluation of renal function. Early detection of proteinuria.
- Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy.
- 1st and 2nd trimester prenatal screening. Non-invasive study of aneuploidies.
- Cytogenetic Studies. Traditional and molecular karyotypes (Array CGH).
- Studies of biochemical nutritional assessment in hospitalized patients.
- Study of proteins and diagnoses of monoclonal gammopathies.
- Immunological status studies.
- Studies of autoimmunity in suspected collagenosis, vasculitis, anti-phospholipid syndrome, celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease, hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis, etc.
- Allergy studies: screening of pneumo allergens (Phadiatop) and food allergens more frequent in our environment, sensitivity study against specific allergens, latex allergy and Anisakiasis screening.
- Detection of occult blood in stool and Calprotectin.
- Study of biological fluids: CSF, articular, pleural, ascitic, pericardial, drainages, etc.
- Therapeutic drug monitoring.
- Study of genetic metabolic disorders.
- Study of Iron Metabolism.
- Study of the anemic syndrome.
- Immuno hematological studies. Tests of blood compatibility (Cross-tests), direct and indirect Coombs.
- Studies of phospho-calcium metabolism. Osteosporosis, hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D deficiency
- Study of Mendelian genetic diseases (Monogenic). Genetic variants and polymorphisms. Approach to complex genetic diseases.
- Study of bacterial and viral serology.
- Study of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), (Gonococcus, Chlamydias, Trichomonas, Mycoplasmas, HPV Human Papilloma Virus, etc.)
- Viral Hepatitis Study (A, B, C, E, etc.) and Mononucleosis. Epstein-Barr virus, CMV and Herpes virus.
- Study of fever of unknown origin.
- Sepsis study (acute phase markers, lactate, Procalcitonin PCT, etc.)
- Bacteriological studies: Urine cultures, blood cultures, wound exudate cultures, Vaginal exudates, Urethral exudates, Otic exudates, Pharyngeal exudates, cultures of respiratory samples (Sputum, BAS, BAL), biopsy cultures, biological liquid cultures (Pleural, Synovial, Ascitic, CSF), Coprocultures, Semen cultures, etc.
- Studies of antibiotic susceptibility and antibiotic resistance.
- Optimization of antimicrobial treatment.
- Study of bacterial carriers: Gram Negative bacilli (GNB producers of Carbapenas) and gram positive cocci (MSRA).
- Parasite Study.
- Study of fungi (dermatophytes and filamentous fungi).
- Detection of bacterial antigens (Helicobacter pylori, pneumococci, Legionella, etc.), parasite antigens (Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium), virus antigens (rotavirus and adenovirus). Bacterial Genetics.
- Studies of Viral and Parasitic Genetics.
Strengths of the HC Laboratory
- Highly qualified personnel.
- Staff with hospital profile and experience, accustomed to treating complex cases.
- Laboratory with a personalized attention to the patient and the attending physician.
- Advice on the usefulness of laboratory diagnostic tests, their limitations and their interpretation.
- Equipment that allows short response times.
- Permanent scientific update of our personnel.
- Quality assurance of the results.
Dr. Sempere Alcocer, Marco
Clinical test, Microbiology and Parasitology Consultant
Tel.: +34 952 908 628
+34 609 148 799
952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy