Jardines HC Marbella 2018

HC Marbella Search Results




Estudio de la composición corporal para un diagnóstico preciso de la obesidad

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El papel de la #psiconutrición en los tratamientos de #obesidad, por la Dra. Encarnación Hijano

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español.


Valoración y Diagnóstico de la Obesidad

El objetivo de la Unidad de Obesidad de HC Marbella es que dar una solución a largo plazo de forma segura, efectiva y saludable con el fin de mejorar la salud tanto física como psíquica de cada paciente.   Para ello, es necesario realizar un diagnóstico de valoración específico de cada paciente con el fin […]


Obesity is a chronic, non-transmissible, multifactorial condition

It is an abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat which can affect health.


Motivation to change: The key factor for success against #obesity and excess weight

    If you are someone that deals with obesity or excess weight, and, especially, if you are a woman, you may experience discrimination socially and in the work world, which can cause a decrease in self-esteem and quality of life. The treatments are sometimes complex, chronic or can take a long time to see […]


El tratamiento endoscópico de la #obesidad en #Marbella


Obesity. The #Elipse balloon, the first gastric balloon that can be taken as a pill

The Elipse™ balloon is a gastric balloon that is swallowed as a pill and that, after 4 months in the stomach, is eliminated from the body like any other food that we ingest. It is now available at HC Marbella.


Oncology. #Obesity and Cancer

*Obesity will soon overtake smoking as the main cause of cancer. *30 per cent of the world’s population are overweight or obese. * Throughout the world, obesity is responsible for around five per cent of all deaths each year.  


Obesity. #Apollo Method

Do you need to lose between 15 kg. and 35 kg? You have tried with multiple diets and treatments and have not been successful? If so, learning about the APOLLO method is very interesting for you.


Obesity. #Gastric bypass

Are you severely obese and you’ve tried other methods to lose weight, but nothing has worked? Gastric bypass is a surgery that reduces the size of the stomach, thus, you feel satisfied with smaller portions of food. When you feel satisfied, you begin to eat less, which allows you to lose weight quickly. This surgery […]


Obesidad. #¿Por qué soy gordo? ¿Influyen los genes en el desarrollo de obesidad?

  ¿Padres obesos, hijos obesos?   Seguro que muchos padres y madres que sufren de obesidad se han planteado en algún momento si su enfermedad afectará también a sus hijos e hijas. ¿Es la genética un factor decisivo? ¿Se puede hacer algo por evitarlo o hay que asumir lo inevitable?




Online appointment and download of test results through My HC.

Tel.: +34 952 908 628

952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy




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