Jardines HC Marbella 2018

HC Marbella Search Results




Initial consultation

If a newly diagnosed patient would like to arrange a consultation with our oncology/medical team, our Hospital’s Oncology Unit can be contacted directly.   952 908 898   Our oncology care coordination staff is highly trained. They will meet you, evaluate your diagnosis and refer you to the specialist on our medical team that best […]


#Priming Gynecological Review

  When to do the first gynecological examination? The first gynecological review generates numerous uncertainties whether you are a young girl or a mother and want to advise your daughter. Do you have to wait until you have had sex? What if she wants to keep her privacy and does not mention it?


Lung Diseases

At HC Marbella we are equipped to deal with all types of respiratory conditions, we employ a multidisciplinary approach working in close collaboration with other Units to provide an integrated and individualised solution for each patient.   The aim of our unit is to achieve good control of the disease to cure, control and prevent […]


#Blepharoplasty: One’s gaze says everything

The eyes say it all.   The eyes are the center of attention in every glance, and one’s gaze is a main part of their personality. Over the years, our faces continually undergo modification due to changes in our skin, loss of volume, and the fall of facial tissue. The loss of elasticity in the […]


The most revolutionary solution for women’s comprehensive wellbeing, “with no surgery”

We are increasingly aware of the importance of taking care of ourselves and feeling comfortable in many different aspects, including our private parts.


The Facial Harmonization Process

Caring for Facial Gender Surgery & Facial Harmonization Surgery Patients.     1. World-Class Precision Specialists that listen and care during the evaluations and consultations, which is the first step. From 3D avatar reconstructions to ultrasonic surgical instruments, precision in planning and surgery has translated into excellence in thousands of case results. FACIALTEAM generously offers […]


Preventive medicine

The sooner a disease is detected, the more likely the patient is to recover and the more successful treatment will be.   Regular check-ups and health screening can assist with discovering hidden health problems before symptoms appear, preventing or delaying serious complications.   At HC Marbella we have developed a Health Screening Unit of excellence. […]


Pelvic floor

After giving birth some women suffer from stretches or tears to the pelvic floor muscles and the vagina. This can lead to incontinence and cause some women to feel that they have changed; in addition it may have a negative impact on sexual relations.   As a result the HC Marbella pelvic floor unit carries […]


General Internal Medicine

One could say that the General Internal Physician is like the conductor of an orchestra, being responsible for ensuring that each organ of the body functions in harmony with the others.   The field of General Internal Medicine is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that affect the whole body, or a single […]


Your radiotherapy treatment

Radiotherapy uses ionising radiation in the area to be treated, with the aim of destroying cancer cells and preventing them from reproducing.   Due to technological advances over recent years, radiotherapy is currently safe, painless and effective, and delivers very good results. In the majority of cases patients can continue with their normal daily lives […]


Herpes Zóster

El herpes zóster, conocido comúnmente como “culebrilla”, es un tipo de virus herpes humano (VHS), también llamado virus varicela-zóster (VVZ). Es el mismo que produce la varicela.   De hecho, el herpes zóster se trata de una reactivación del virus, que normalmente se encuentra latente o dormido en nuestro organismo desde la primera exposición en […]




Online appointment and download of test results through My HC.

Tel.: +34 952 908 628

952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy




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