Collegiate number
Spanish and English
2000-2007: Medicine Doctor. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. México D.F., México.
2011-2015: Pulmonolgy Residency. Hospital Juan Ramón Jiménez. Huelva.
2014: Interventional Pulmonology. University of Cincinnati Medical Center. Cincinnati, Ohio, E.E.U.U.
2013: Cryo-Biopsy Training. Hospital de Sant Pau. Barcelona.
2013: 5th Ultrasound course for Pulmonary Medicine. NEUMOSUR. Sevilla.
2010: 1st year Resident in Allergology. Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío. Sevilla.
2004: Elective Rotation: Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery . Baylor College Of Medicine/The Methodist Hospital. Houston, Texas. E.E.U.U.
2003: AAHA/AAP Neonatal Resuscitation Program. Mexican Children’s Hospital Federico Gomez. México D.F., México.
2002: Emergency Medical Technician. American Heart Association Certified. URGEMED at “Universidad de las Americas”. México D.F., México
Work chronology
Desde 2017: Respiratory Medicine Consultant at HC Marbella International Hospital.
Desde 2016: Respiratory Medicine Consultant at Clínica del Río, Hospital CENYT and Hospital Quirón Marbella and Gibraltar.
2011-2015: Pulmonolgy Residency. Hospital Juan Ramón Jiménez. Huelva.
2007-2008: Medical Student Advisor. Kaplan Test Prep. Houston, Texas, E.E.U.U.
2005-2006: Social Service Year. Primary Health Care Clinic Ajusco Coyoacan. Mexican Public Health Affairs. México D.F., México.
2002-2004: Emergency Medical Technician. INTEGRA. México D.F., México.
Desde 2016: NOVARTIS CQVM149B2302 CLINICAL TRIAL. Marbella.
A Multicenter, Randomized, 52-week, Double-blind, Parallelgroup, Active Controlled Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of QVM149 With QMF149 in Patients With Asthma.
2015-2017: GSK IMPACT CLINICAL TRIAL. Marbella.
A Study Comparing the Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) of FF/UMEC/VI With the FDC of FF/VI and UMEC/VI; AdministeredOnce daily Via a Dry Powder Inhaler (DPI) in Subjects With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
2013-2015: AUDIPOC. Huelva, España.
Multi-Center COPD consults auditing research
2008-2010: Clinical Research Fellow.
Charles A. Garcia, M.D., P.A., Ophthalmology
St. Joseph Hospital
Houston, Texas, E.E.U.U.“Intraocular Pressure Profile in patients requiring an intravitreal Bevacizumab injection”, a retrospective study at Charles A. Garcia, M.D., P.A. Ophthalmology Clinic, St. Joseph Hospital, Houston, Tx.
Sub-Investigator.“An Evaluation of the Ocular Surface Health in Subjects Using TRAVATAN Z® Ophthalmic Solution Versus Xalatan® Ophthalmic Solution” Protocol Number C-08-047. Sub-Investigator.
2017: Seasonal variability in clinical care of COPD outpatients: results from the Andalusian COPD audit.
López-Campos JL, Abad Arranz M, Calero-Acuña C, Romero-Valero F, Ayerbe-García R, Hidalgo-Molina A, Aguilar-Pérez-Grovas RI, García-Gil F, Casas-Maldonado F, Caballero-Ballesteros L, Sánchez-Palop M, Pérez-Tejero D, Segado Soriano A, Calvo-Bonachera J, Hernández-Sierra B, Doménech A, Arroyo-Varela M, González-Vargas F, Cruz-Rueda JJ.
Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2017 Mar 3;12:785-792. doi: 10.2147/COPD.S121885. eCollection 2017.
2016: Determinants for changing the treatment of COPD: a regression analysis from a clinical audit.
López-Campos JL, Abad Arranz M, Calero Acuña C, Romero Valero F, Ayerbe García R, Hidalgo Molina A, Aguilar Perez-Grovas RI, García Gil F, Casas Maldonado F, Caballero Ballesteros L, Sánchez Palop M, Pérez-Tejero D, Segado A, Calvo Bonachera J, Hernández Sierra B, Doménech A, Arroyo Varela M, González Vargas F, Cruz Rueda JJ.
Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2016 Jun 2;11:1171-8. doi: 10.2147/COPD.S103614. eCollection 2016.
2016: Guideline Adherence in Outpatient Clinics for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Results from a Clinical Audit.
López-Campos JL, Abad Arranz M, Calero-Acuña C, Romero-Valero F, Ayerbe-García R, Hidalgo-Molina A, Aguilar-Pérez-Grovas RI, García-Gil F, Casas-Maldonado F, Caballero-Ballesteros L, Sánchez-Palop M, Pérez-Tejero D, Segado A, Calvo-Bonachera J, Hernández-Sierra B, Doménech A, Arroyo-Varela M, González-Vargas F, Cruz-Rueda JJ.
PLoS One. 2016 Mar 17;11(3):e0151896. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0151896. eCollection 2016.
2015: Clinical Audits in Outpatient Clinics for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Methodological Considerations and Workflow.
López-Campos JL, Abad Arranz M, Calero Acuña C, Romero Valero F, Ayerbe García R, Hidalgo Molina A, Aguilar Pérez-Grovas RI, García Gil F, Casas Maldonado F, Caballero Ballesteros L, Sánchez Palop M, Pérez-Tejero D, Segado A, Calvo Bonachera J, Hernández Sierra B, Doménech A, Arroyo Varela M, González Vargas F, Cruz Rueda JJ.
PLoS One. 2015 Nov 6;10(11):e0141856. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0141856. eCollection 2015.
International Oral Presentationss
2015: Metabolomic profiles in lung cancer subjects and healthy controls. Influence of smoking tobacco exposure.
R.I. Aguilar Perez Grovas, E. Vázquez Gandullo, B. Callejón Leblic, M. González Fernández, J. Grávalos Guzmán, T. García Barrera, J.L. Sánchez Ramos, J.A. Maldonado Pérez, María Pilar Muñoz Zara, J.L. Gómez Ariza, A. Pereira Vega
2014: Metabolic Signatures Associated With Lung Cancer Using Serum Samples. Influence Of Hemolysis.
AJ. Ruiz R, M. González F, E. Vázquez G, RI. Aguilar PG, I. Vázquez R, T. García B, J. Grávalos G, JL. Sánchez R.
2014: Metabolomic analysis of serum samples from patients with lung cancer.
E. Vázquez G, M. González, A. J. Ruiz R, T. García B, R.I Aguilar PG, J. Grávalos-Guzmán, J. L. Sánchez-Ramos, J. A. Maldonado-Pérez, J. L. Gómez-Ariza, A. Pereira-Vega
2012: Lung cancer metabolomics in plasma, urine and broncheoalveolar lavage. A pilot study.
R. Aguilar PG, E. Vázquez G, R. Castilla Q, R. González D, J. Grávalos G, T. García B, JL. Gómez A, JA. Maldonado P, A. Pereira Vega.
2014: “Wheezing and Pulmonary Function, evolution in 20 years”
R.I. Aguilar PerezGrovas, A.J. Ruiz Reina, J.A. Maldonado Pérez, A. Pereira Vega, J.L. Sánchez Ramos. Huelva, Spain.
First place awarded oral presentation at 40th NEUMOSUR Congress, Cadiz, Spain.
2005: “GERD symptoms relapse in Nissen Fundoplication patients of the Endoscopic Surgery Service at the Dr. Manuel Gea Gonzalez General Hospital”, a retrospective study. First Place presentation at the Mexico City Medical Interns Congress. 2005.
Member of:
– Since 2010: Asociación de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica del Sur. NEUMOSUR, España.
– Since 2010: Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica. SEPAR, España.
– Since 2013: European Respiratory Society. ERS, Europa.
– Since 2013: Ilustre Colégio Oficial de Médicos de Huelva.
– Since 2017: Asociacion Española de Endoscopia Respiratoria y Neumología Intervencionista. AEER, España.
– 2007-2001: American College of Physicians. ACP, USA.
Tel.: +34 952 908 628
+34 609 148 799
952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy