Noticias HC

HC News


tipos de mascarillas

How, when and why should a mask be used?

mascarillasNow that the different phases of the de-escalation are taking shape, proposing the progressive return to a “normal activity”, which of course will not be normal as we enjoyed it before the Covid Pandemic19, more than ever, which ones are the behaviors that allow us to have maximum security so as not to infect others, nor to infect ourselves. [Continue Reading]

interpretación test Covid19 thumb

What to do if I get sick with COVID 19?

There are many news that we read these days about the coronavirus, but we really know how to act in case of contracting the virus. Dr. Álvarez, medical director of HC Marbella together with Dr. Sempere, an expert microbiologist and head of the HC laboratory, clarifies these doubts and tells us about the processes that are carried out in the hospital to treat the patient with COVID 19 in the different phases of the disease and the differences between the different tests. [Continue Reading]

consultas médicas presenciales

In-person Medical Consultations

In-person Medical Consultations


From HC Marbella we want to communicate to our patients that, from this moment, respecting all security measures and using independent circuits, we offer face-to-face medical consultations for those clinical situations in which the visit to a specialist is recommended to safeguard the patient’s health. [Continue Reading]

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952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
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