Noticias HC

HC News


Eva Rando

Self-care in breast cancer patients

Eva Rando

Improving the quality of life after conquering breast cancer is simple

Early detection and new treatments are reducing the mortality associated with breast cancer; but often the consequences, especially related side effects persist in surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. [Continue Reading]

recomendaciones paciente oncológico

How does coronavirus affect an oncology patient?

The situation that we are experiencing right now in Spain and in the rest of the world with the coronavirus affects us all, but especially a part of the population that, due to age or health, is more vulnerable to the virus. A significant number of HC Marbella patients are within this risk population, such as cancer patients. [Continue Reading]

consultas telemáticas

Telemedicine reaches HC Marbella

New remote medical consultation service

In our goal of continuing to take care of our patients and adapting to new circumstances, HC Marbella offers a new remote consultation service, via video call or telephone. In this way, you can continue receiving medical assistance without leaving home. [Continue Reading]

corazón de la mujer

From a woman’s heart point of view…

The hardly known facts about gender differences in heart disease

We know we are not the same, men and women spend their lives together despite the highly acknowledged differences in behaviour, reasoning and special skills like communication, esthetics, organisation and others which I clearly do not want to attribute to any special side but will use to make my actual point clear: do we also understand the gender differences when it comes to cardio- vascular disease and what consequential impact does this lack of knowledge have in real life. [Continue Reading]

Proyecto EnganCHADos en el Chad

Hermanados con el Hospital Saint Joseph de Bébédjia al sur de Chad

Proyecto EnganCHADos en el Chad Empatía hacia una labor humanitaria, solidaridad, entusiasmo. Es lo que nos ha llevado a hermanarnos con el Hospital Saint Joseph de Bébédjia, bajo el programa EnganCHADos: del que es fundador y presidente el Dr. Alfonso Antequera, especialista en Cirugía General y Aparato Digestivo en HC Marbella Hospital Internacional. Gracias a este proyecto de cooperación la caja social de este hospital al sur de Chad pasará a disponer de medios suficientes para atender, entre otros, unas 135 cesáreas.

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Vitamina D y cáncer

La Vitamina D y su relación con el #cáncer

Vitamina D y cáncer


La forma hormonalmente activa de la vitamina D (1alfa 25(OH)D3) desempaña un rol en el mantenimiento de la homeostasis de calcio en el cuerpo, pero también regula el crecimiento y la diferenciación de diferentes tipos celulares incluyendo células cancerosas.

[Continue Reading]

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Tel.: +34 952 908 628

952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy




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