Noticias HC

HC News


Movember 2019


… the month of the year when we are thinking about the health of men. Wanting them to live a much happier life, a longer and a healthier one.
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riesgo de ictus

Stroke Risk Assessment

To determine the most appropriate treatment after a stroke, the Emergency Department team must assess the type of cerebrovascular accident that you have had, and the area of the brain affected. They must also rule out different possible causes of the symptoms, such as other neurological conditions. The doctor may use several tests to determine a patient’s risk of stroke, including the following: [Continue Reading]


Symptoms and prevention of a stroke

One in six people in Spain will suffer an ictus throughout his life, but despite the high frequency of this episode many people do not even know what it is and what causes it. A stroke is a number of conditions that affect the blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. A stroke is like a heart attack, but in the brain. [Continue Reading]

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