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Doctora Ana Rosa Jurado

Dr. Ana Rosa Jurado, specialist in Medical Sexology

Dr. Jurado is a specialist in Medical Sexology and she is very enthusiastic about her appointment to our medical team at HC Marbella.


Dr. Jurado is the President of the Instituto Europeo de Sexología (European Institute of Sexology), Coordinator of ONSEX, Observatorio Nacional de Salud Sexual (National Observatory for Sexual Health) and Coordinator of the Working Group on Women’s Assistance of SEMERGEN, Sociedad Española de Médicos de Atención Primaria (Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians). She also acts as a legal mediator in the healthcare sector. [Continue Reading]

CT 64x2 slices

CT Densitometry

What is it?

CT densitometry is the measurement of bone density (BMD, bone mineral density – the quantity of calcium per millilitre) using CT of the vertebrae in the lumbar spine. [Continue Reading]

Biopsia pecho sin contraste

Breast Biopsy

If physical examination, mammography or other imaging study shows a suspicious change in one of your breasts, the next step may be a biopsy.


During a breast biopsy, a sample of breast tissue is taken. A pathologist (a doctor who is a specialist in the diagnosis of disease) then examines this tissue under the microscope to determine whether it contains any cancerous cells. [Continue Reading]


#Shoulder Arthroscopy, faster recovery with almost no visible scars

“Currently, almost all shoulder conditions can be treated using shoulder arthroscopy, it has truly revolutionised treatment, reducing the recovery period enormously.”


The shoulder is a complex joint which provides us with extensive movement of the arm, enabling normal day-to-day function as well as the ability to work and enjoy taking part in sport, the arts and much more. As a result, any abnormality has significant repercussions on our daily livesa. [Continue Reading]

Terapia fotodinámica

Dermatology #Photodynamic Therapy

Photodynamic therapy is a therapeutic procedure which combines the application of a cream (a photosensitising agent) with the posterior exposition to light from a special lamp for a specific period of time for the treatment of various skin diseases. [Continue Reading]

Mamas densidad dispersa

Tomosynthesis in dense breasts

3D mammography, also known as Tomosynthesis, is better at detecting masses in dense breasts than traditional 2D mammography.


Having dense breasts makes detection of cancer on mammography more difficult. Dense tissue appears white on the image, which can obscure cancerous tumours. [Continue Reading]

Tel.: +34 952 908 628
+34 609 148 799

952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy




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