Gynecology. Do you have weak #pelvic floor muscles?
Have you heard of the pelvic floor but don’t really know what it is?
This is exactly what happened to Eli, the subject of our article.
This is exactly what happened to Eli, the subject of our article.
*Obesity will soon overtake smoking as the main cause of cancer.
*30 per cent of the world’s population are overweight or obese.
* Throughout the world, obesity is responsible for around five per cent of all deaths each year.
“Yes, if it is not appropriately treated”.
Precisely in order to avoid such statements, we are going to speak on pyelonephritis, its causes, treatment, and most importantly, prevention.
Dr. Antonio Ayllón García, Specialist in Minimally Invasive Surgery and Endoscopic Column, is already part of #teamHC.
The anesthesiologist performs and anesthesia treatment that is effective and assures minimal complications. The anesthesiologist is present in the operating room both before and after the procedure.
The global incidence of cancer has increased over the past decades. Likewise, the survival of the oncological patients has increased, both in the cure raytes and in the prolongation of the survival.
Therapeutic exercise helps improve healthy people, with the aim of reducing the risk of suffering back pain, and patients with chronic pain, in order to improve their autonomy, accelerate their recovery and reduce the risk of suffering again painful episodes (in patients who already have a medical diagnosis). In patients with acute back pain (after a medical diagnosis), physiotherapy may help, but with techniques aimed at alleviating pain and inflammation.
If your answer is YES, you may have osteo-arthritis of the hip joint also called hip OA.
Unlike back pain or sciatica, hip OA pain is usually felt in the groin and sometimes radiates into the thigh as far down as the knee. Stiffness of the hip joint is another common symptom. With advanced OA patients struggle to weight bear, require crutches and are sometimes unable to run their own household and are unable to work.
One of the possible cases in women, that may be derived from cancer treatments, is vaginal atrophy.
The progressive decrease in estrogen levels in women during menopause causes many changes, the most outstanding occur in the genital tract due to its sensitivity to estrogen.
Thus, vaginal atrophy is due to the deterioration of mucous membranes caused by the fall in estrogen level.
Recently, the American Congress of Oncology (#ASCO18) was held in Chicago where the latest advances in #coloncancer , research, through #immunotherapy were presented. Various studies have been carried out on different immunotherapeutic drugs that have given very promising results.
Today May 31 is WHO’s World No Tobacco Day, and this year its motto is “Tobacco and Heart Disease.” For this reason, I would like to comment on some aspects of smoking with the intention of being able to clarify doubts about it and help generate more awareness regarding this disease.
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952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy