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Oncology. #Cancer of the Liver and Hepatitis. Is there a connection?



The liver is our battery.


The liver is the largest and one of the most important organs in the body. It is involved in many vital processes which keep the body clean and healthy, it acts as a type of battery in the body and is responsible for breaking down food and producing energy, the regulation of chemical products and hormones, and the fight against infection.

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Enfermedades digestivas

Obesity. #Apollo Method

Do you need to lose between 15 kg. and 35 kg? You have tried with multiple diets and treatments and have not been successful? If so, learning about the APOLLO method is very interesting for you. [Continue Reading]

Dolor Espalda

Traumatology. #Back Pain

Dolor Espalda


Most people will suffer back pain at some point in their lives, affecting the activities of daily life, their mood, their effectiveness to work … and, ultimately, their quality of life.

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Dieta y Tratamiento del Cáncer

Oncology. #Diet and Cancer (III)

Dieta y Tratamiento del Cáncer


Beliefs about beneficial or curative effects of some foods on cancer.


Today we are speaking about the third area in which there are many prevalent myths, which is that similar to cases in which cancer patients end up eliminating certain essential foods from their diets in order to fight the disease, there are others that do the opposite, by adding different foods, herbs, or supplements that could be harmful, or simply, they increase the cost of one’s diet without any real evidence of their effectiveness. Remember what we spoke about in the first post about diet and cancer: “there is no ingredient or dietary product that can cure cancer by itself”.

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Artículo sobre comida y cáncer 2
Alimentos y Cáncer

Oncology. #Cancer and Diet (I)

Alimentos y Cáncer


Myths and beliefs about diet during cancer treatment.


Many people who are diagnosed with cancer look for additional information about the aspects of diet than could be changed in order to combat the disease. They research products, cooking, utensils, or habits that could be harmful or that could have a magic or miraculous effect on the body. They spend a lot of time gathering information from the internet, books, or articles – that are not always scientifically endorsed – and follow the advice of friends or family that have heard or read about this subject.

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Educación Sexual

#Sexual Education

Live happily with sexuality

Doesn’t it seem sad that something so important and pleasurable, could become such a source of conflict? Sexual education is an example of this. [Continue Reading]


Colon polyps


What are colon polyps?

Colon polyps are bumps within the interior of the large intestine, something similar to “pimples” that appear in the mucus that covers the inside of the colon. They normally measure a few millimeters and may be prominent, flat, or have a stem that is attached to the mucus like small “mushrooms” (these are called pedunculated polyps). On occasion, there may be a great number of them, which is considered to be a disease called polyposis. [Continue Reading]


Obesity. #Gastric bypass

Are you severely obese and you’ve tried other methods to lose weight, but nothing has worked?

Gastric bypass is a surgery that reduces the size of the stomach, thus, you feel satisfied with smaller portions of food. When you feel satisfied, you begin to eat less, which allows you to lose weight quickly. This surgery is ideal for the severely obese whose health is at risk and no diet has helped them lose the weight. However, like all major surgeries, there are risks and possible complications. In this post, you will learn about the ideal candidate for gastric bypass, as well as details about the surgery and its advantages and disadvantages. [Continue Reading]

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