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Médicos Marbella

Dispelling Myths about Cancer

The disease we fear the most… Here we dispel several misconceptions to help allay people’s fears.


Cancer is a word which evokes strong feelings and is associated with fear and panic, but this shouldn’t be the case. Many patients have preconceived ideas about cancer which are not accurate, they are normally the result of misunderstood or distorted information which is often much scarier than reality. Although there are many misconceptions, we will focus on the 10 which we believe to be most relevant. [Continue Reading]

El médico y su paciente en Marbella

Oncology. #Patient Doctor Team (2)

El médico y su paciente en Marbella


At HC Marbella we believe that communication between the doctor and the patient is so important that we will continue to discuss it in this post. We want to help you traverse the long road that you have ahead, a road that you should not take “alone”.


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Retoques estéticos en Marbella

Medicina Estética: #Retoques estéticos invisibles pero eficaces

Retoques estéticos en Marbella


¿Sabes para qué sirve cada tratamiento?


El 40 % de los españoles no sabe las diferencias entre un tratamiento de relleno y neuromodulador, y solo el 13 % sabe en qué consisten, según ha Difundido la Sociedad Española de Medicina Estética (SEME).


Por ello, hemos pedido a la Dra. Elisa Delgado Padial, Especialista en Medicina Estética de HC Marbella que nos explique las diferencias entre los tratamientos de medicina estética facial más demandados, el neuromodulador, los rellenos y la mesoterapia facial.

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Médico Paciente (Primera Parte)

Oncology. #Patient Doctor Team (I)

Médico Paciente (Primera Parte)


This year, two of the most important world conferences about Oncology, the 53rd American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Conference and the European Society for Clinical Oncology (ESMO) Conference 2017, focused their talks on the importance of the emotional well-being of cancer patients and influence on the ability to fight the disease. The scientific studies presented in these forums argue that psychological treatments raise the quality of life of the patient during and after such treatments. With this type of intervention should involve three people the oncologist, the psychologist, or the psycho-oncologist and the patient.

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