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HC Marbella en #ESMO17

#ESMO17 and the Spanish contribution regarding innovations in the fight against cancer

HC Marbella en #ESMO17


The European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) is the leading non-governmental organization of medical oncology in Europe, promoting a multidisciplinary approach with regard to the treatment of cancer. With about 23.000 members scattered in more than 131 countries, the ESMO has been a benchmark scientific society for the education and knowledge dissemination in oncology for more tan 40 years.

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Cáncer y Deporte en Marbella

#Sport and Cancer

Exercise is one of the best weapons in the fight against cancer.


Since 2004 The World Health Organization has been warning of the need for action on the main risk factors in development of chronic disease (cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes and some types of cancer), as these are the main cause of death and disability in the world. One current lifestyle change encouraging development of these diseases is the increase in sedentary lifestyle.


Currently 60% of the world’s population consider that they lead a sedentary life. In Spain the figure is similar at 55% of the population, but what is alarming is that this percentage has increased by 10% in the last decade.


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Medusas Marbella

Jellyfish sting, how to act?

Medusas Marbella


At certain times of the year (summer and rising winds) and for different reasons, there is an important arrival of populations of jellyfish carried by the sea currents, altering or even preventing walks or bathing on beaches (violet flag).

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Reconstrucción Mamaria en Marbella

#Breast Reconstruction

Reconstrucción Mamaria en Marbella


The impact of breast cancer on a woman´s self-image and self-esteem.


Unlike some other types of cancer, with breast cancer special significance needs to be given to the psychological and social implications of the disease, in addition to the inherent medical aspects, the breast plays a crucial role in a woman’s identity. In many cases, depending on the size and location of the tumour, breast cancer can result in mastectomy with the removal of one or both breasts.

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Dermatitis Atópica Marbella

#Atopic Dermatitis

Dermatitis Atópica Marbella


Is this a childhood condition?


It is not only a childhood condition although children are more likely to suffer from it and onset in adulthood is unusual. Atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis is a skin condition which occurs in children and adults and is characterised by skin which is particularly dry and sensitive. It is very common, affecting 10-20% of children, but it is not contagious. It is a chronic condition (that is to say that it can last for years), which means that the sufferer will go through good and bad spells (attacks), depending on the climate, time of year, level of skin hydration etc…

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Pediatra en Marbella

General Recommendations for a Healthy Summer

Pediatra en Marbella


The summer season began before its meteorological date, something habitual in the last years. This period of the year has special relevance in our environment. Malaga has more than 180 km of coastline and 945 km of Andalusian coast, the number of private and public swimming pools is increasing and water sports are increasingly established in our area.

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Prostatitis Marbella


Prostatitis Marbella


The prostate gland, the great unknown!


Yes, it may be difficult to believe, but according to a survey performed by Prostate Cancer UK, an organisation dedicated to prostate cancer research, 1 in 5 British men are unaware that they even have a prostate. This is somewhat alarming given that prostate cancer is the most common cause of death due to cancer in men.

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Autocuidado en Marbella

International Self-Care Day at the Nursing Department

Is the International Self-Care Day chosen randomly? The answer is no. The habit of taking care of one’s self every day is reflected by the slogan, “24/7,” which is meant as a reminder that the benefits of self-care should be felt 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. That is why today’s date was chosen.

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Salud Vaginal Ginecología

#Vaginal Health

GyneacologyVaginal Health


Not again!


Do you ever suffer from severe intimate itching or burning, or even swelling at times?
This problem usually occurs as a result of a vaginal infection such as vaginosis or candidiasis. [Continue Reading]

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