Chin removal treatment without surgery
What is the new chin removal treatment without surgery?
It is an injectable treatment that applied opportunely in the sub mental zone dissolving the deposits of preplatismal fat.
It is an injectable treatment that applied opportunely in the sub mental zone dissolving the deposits of preplatismal fat.
Incontinence, dryness, esthetic, whatever your concern, there is a solution without surgery.
Many of HC Marbella patients are already enjoying their results!
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Prostate cancer is the second most frequently diagnosed cancer for men.
Cosmetic dermatology is the branch of dermatology that deals with the care and cosmetic enhancement of normal skin, by preventing or repairing the constant changes that our skin undergoes.
Entre los días 19 y 21 de Noviembre se celebró, en el Jordan Medical Education Center de la University de Pennsylvania, un curso destinado a presentar los últimos avances en el tratamiento con Protones en diferentes tumores.
Muchas veces las mujeres embarazadas nos preguntáis en la consulta qué es lo que podéis comer o no durante el embarazo, si hay algún alimento recomendado o si tenéis que hacer alguna dieta especial.
Según los últimos estudios que se conocen la Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (EPOC) es la cuarta causa de muerte tras la cardiopatía isquémica, el cáncer y las neumonías. Junto con el asma, origina la muerte de 3,6 millones de personas en todo el mundo, dan a conocer las investigaciones publicadas en The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, financiadas por la Fundación Bill & Melinda Gates. ¿Qué sabemos de esta enfermedad respiratoria y qué tratamientos existen en HC Marbella?
1. Seasonal influenza is an infection of great importance to health care. Every year, it affects approximately 5-10% of adults and 20-30% of children worldwide.
Cosmetic-aesthetic defects may have multiple causes. However, most of the vascular and pigmented lesions are ideal candidates for the non-invasive Intense Pulsed Light treatment AFT.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) – also called sexually transmitted infections (STI) – are infections that are transmitted through the contact of sexual organs (through both heterosexual and homosexual relations). However, these are not the only ways in which these diseases are transmitted; for example, they may also be transmitted via the blood (as is the case with both HIV and Hepatitis B) by sharing needles used to puncture veins, as well as during pregnancy and birth (transmitting the disease from the mother to the child).
Professional peels consist in the controlled application of products (acids) on the skin, provoking its renewal. The basis is the exfoliating action of these products, achieving the removal of various skin layers, cell regeneration and promoting the restoration of collagen and elastin fibers. The skin looks younger, smoother and brighter after a few days.
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951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
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952908897 Fertility
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