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Tratamiento de enfermedades de transmisión sexual en Marbella

#Sexually Transmitted Diseases

STD Marbella


More than one million people contract sexually transmitted diseases every day, but what are STDs?


Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) – also called sexually transmitted infections (STI) – are infections that are transmitted through the contact of sexual organs (through both heterosexual and homosexual relations). However, these are not the only ways in which these diseases are transmitted; for example, they may also be transmitted via the blood (as is the case with both HIV and Hepatitis B) by sharing needles used to puncture veins, as well as during pregnancy and birth (transmitting the disease from the mother to the child).

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dermocosmética marbella

Professional chemical peels

dermocosmética marbella


Professional peels consist in the controlled application of products (acids) on the skin, provoking its renewal. The basis is the exfoliating action of these products, achieving the removal of various skin layers, cell regeneration and promoting the restoration of collagen and elastin fibers. The skin looks younger, smoother and brighter after a few days.

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Día Internacional Cáncer de Mama

#Breast cancer: How your mind can help your body

Each year 30.000 women in this country learn that they have breast cancer. Given that less than a quarter of them have genetic or other known risk factors, the diagnosis can often come as a complete shock. The resulting emotional turmoil often affects the woman’s physical health as well as her psychological well-being. In this article we will deal with the psychosocial impact of cancer and offer advice on how to adapt to the disease as well as support for coping with it.

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Andrología en Marbella

#Male Sexual Health, Which Specialist Is Best?

Andrología en Marbella


Sometimes with health problems it’s difficult to know who is the appropriate specialist to see. In the case of men’s health, the specialist is usually a Urologist, a doctor who specialises in treating conditions of the male reproductive system as well as diseases of the urinary tract in both men and women.


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Urología y eyaculación precoz

#Premature Ejaculation

Urología y eyaculación precoz


“It’s too quick”, “There’s no time to enjoy”, “Now I just don’t want to, the same thing’s going to happen again…”.


According to several scientific studies these and similar fears affect the approximately 30% of men who suffer from premature ejaculation. This type of sexual dysfunction affects both adults and young people, “It impacts greatly on the person who is suffering from it, with them often hiding the problem,” explains Dr. Fernández Montero, Head of the Department of Urology at HC Marbella Hospital.

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Cirugía de Rodilla en Marbella

#Knee Surgery

Cirugía de Rodilla y Traumatología en Marbella


Do you remember when doing simple, routine tasks was something you took for granted?


Simple movements such as walking, bending and twisting require the use of the hip and knee joints. When the knee is diseased or injured in any way, the resulting pain can seriously limit movement and function.

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estudios oncológicos esmo

Estudios oncológicos podrían cambiar la práctica clínica en varios tumores

estudios oncológicos esmo


Avances científicos presentados con motivo del congreso de la Sociedad Europea de Oncología Médica podrían cambiar la práctica clínica en diferentes tumores. Estos ensayos tienen como objetivo el beneficio de los pacientes con cáncer, una enfermedad de la que se diagnosticaron en España 247.771 nuevos casos en 2015, según cifras más actualizadas. Aquí los nueve estudios más destacados:

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¿Cuál es tu #fototipo de piel?


Después de abordar en nuestro anterior artículo la importancia de la protección frente al sol, sobre todo en la infancia y la adolescencia; hoy conocemos los diferentes fototipos cutáneos.

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HC Marbella en #ESMO17

#ESMO17 and the Spanish contribution regarding innovations in the fight against cancer

HC Marbella en #ESMO17


The European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) is the leading non-governmental organization of medical oncology in Europe, promoting a multidisciplinary approach with regard to the treatment of cancer. With about 23.000 members scattered in more than 131 countries, the ESMO has been a benchmark scientific society for the education and knowledge dissemination in oncology for more tan 40 years.

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Cáncer y Deporte en Marbella

#Sport and Cancer

Exercise is one of the best weapons in the fight against cancer.


Since 2004 The World Health Organization has been warning of the need for action on the main risk factors in development of chronic disease (cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes and some types of cancer), as these are the main cause of death and disability in the world. One current lifestyle change encouraging development of these diseases is the increase in sedentary lifestyle.


Currently 60% of the world’s population consider that they lead a sedentary life. In Spain the figure is similar at 55% of the population, but what is alarming is that this percentage has increased by 10% in the last decade.


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