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curso avanzado de oncología médica

Comienza el XXIX Curso Avanzado de Oncología Médica

Desde hoy hasta el 17 de Junio se celebra el XXIX Curso Avanzado de Oncología Médica en San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid. #CAOM2017 coordinado por el Dr. Hernán Cortés-Funes, Dr. José Gómez Codina y Dr. Luis Paz-Ares. El propósito de esta reunión anual es hacer una revisión general de los temas más importantes de la #Oncología. Con una orientación lo más clínica posible y en un clima de convivencia entre profesores y alumnos fuera de las clases. El Dr. Hernán Cortés-Funes, jefe de la Unidad de Oncología de HC Marbella, nos cuenta los detalles. [Continue Reading]

Día Mundial Sin Tabaco

31 de Mayo, Día Mundial Sin Tabaco

Hoy es el Día Mundial Sin Tabaco, celebración que impulsa la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y sus asociados bajo el lema El tabaco, una amenaza para el desarrollo. Hoy y durante 24 horas #HCMarbella se une a esta campaña de concienciación mundial para fomentar la abstinencia de consumo de tabaco. Y se recordará el riesgo que supone el tabaco para la salud, apelando a promover políticas más efectivas con la que reducir su consumo en todos los países. [Continue Reading]

Primer embarazo a partir de los 35

#First pregnancy from 35 years old

First pregnancy from 35 years old


Have you postponed your maternity due to your career or for not finding the right partner?

Have you noticed the important change between our mothers and us? In the previous generation, it was common for women in their twenties to be asked when they would have a baby. Today this question is almost unthinkable. [Continue Reading]

Psicóloga Marbella

Going to the psychologist does mean you are not crazy

Visiting the psychologist is very common today; having a professional with whom to share our feelings so that it can help us to improve when we are involved in difficult situations is quite reassuring. Even so, there are some people who still show some resistance to ask for help when they suffer from a problem that causes them suffering and yet it is very easy to visit other specialists in medicine when suffering from some physical ailment. [Continue Reading]

Revisión ginecológica en la mujer adulta

#Gynaecology Check-Ups for Women

#Gynaecology Check-Ups for Women


Are you among the women who skip their check-ups because going to the gynaecologist is an unpleasant experience?

At HC Marbella, we suggest that you let go of this myth because regular gynaecology check-ups are very important for one’s health and they can even be lifesaving. A timely check-up can prevent long gynaecologic illnesses such as cancer, as well the complications they imply. The good news is that regular check-ups do precisely that: they detect possible changes in the reproductive system and prevent potential diseases from developing. Therefore, you are better off facing your fear, since a gynaecologist is, in the end, just another specialised doctor. [Continue Reading]


Hypertension: Diagnosis and Measurement

The diagnosis is based on a simple measurement procedure, although in some cases other tests like the holter of blood pressure are necessary. It is imperative to complete the study with a laboratory test (blood and urine) and an electrocardiogram. [Continue Reading]

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952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy




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