Noticias HC

HC News


Parkinson’s disease and its symptoms

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive, degenerative neurological movement disorder that affects the brain area responsible for the control and the coordination of movement, muscle tone and posture. Approximately 100.000 people in Spain are living with Parkinson’s disease. [Continue Reading]

Crecimiento de pelo

At last, a definite technique to end baldness

Dr. Lupanzula is International leader in hair transplant and he treats each case individually and personally with the latest and exclusive technique FUE MANUAL. This technique has been developed to eliminate alopecia through the individual extraction of follicles without scars and without any trace of surgery in the donor area after three days. [Continue Reading]

Eva Ciruelos

MammaPrint Genetic Test Can Reduce Use of Post-surgery Chemotherapy Among Early-stage Breast Cancer Patients

Among patients with early-stage breast cancer who were considered at high risk for disease recurrence based on clinical and biological criteria, the MammaPrint genetic test identified a large group of patients for whom five-year distant metastasis–free survival was equally good whether or not they received adjuvant chemotherapy (chemotherapy given post-surgery), according to results from the randomized, phase III microarray in node negative disease may avoid chemotherapy (MINDACT) clinical trial to be presented here at the AACR Annual Meeting 2016, April 16-20. [Continue Reading]

Inauguración de HC Ceuta

Ayer, día 14 de Abril, tuvo lugar la inauguración de HC Ceuta, nuestro nuevo Centro Médico de Especialidades en Ceuta. Al evento no faltaron ni el presidente de la ciudad, D. Juan Vivas, ni el delegado del Gobierno, D. Nicolás Fernández Cucurull. [Continue Reading]

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952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy




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