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Incontinencia Urinaria

Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is defined as any involuntary loss of urine that causes a social or hygiene problem to the individual. It occurs in healthy people as well as in association with other diseases and can be caused for many reasons. [Continue Reading]

Cupón Día del Padre 2016

Basic evaluation of cardiovascular risks

Cardiovascular diseases are diseases affect the arteries that go to the heart and other organs, mainly the brain, kidneys and legs. The most important diseases are: myocardial infarct and stroke or ictus (brain stroke or hemorrhage). They can be very serious and are the leading cause of death in developed countries. [Continue Reading]

Día Internacional de la Mujer HC Marbella

International Women’s Day

HC Marbella wants to celebrate this day with all women of the world and especially with the women of our hospital. At HC Marbella women represent the 66.6 % of the staff.



International women’s Day HC Marbella

Deporte para pacientes con cáncer

Physical exercise, a great ally in the fight against cancer

Intensive procedures are often required in the treatment of cancer, including treatments combining surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy etc. Many times these forms of treatment are accompanied by side effects such as nausea, serious infections, organ damage (heart, lung, kidney, liver), loss of bone density and muscular strength, all damaging to physical health.
[Continue Reading]

Cáncer de cérvix

Para garantizar la salud, lo más importante es la prevención

Cáncer de cérvixEn Ginecología, el primer diagnóstico precoz que por edad corresponde, es el del cáncer de cérvix o cuello uterino. El cáncer de cuello uterino es la tercera neoplasia (cáncer) más frecuente en mujeres en todo el mundo. El cribado del cáncer uterino, aplicado adecuadamente y de forma sistemática, ha conseguido reducir en un 70% – 80% la frecuencia y la mortalidad del mismo. [Continue Reading]

Vídeo Dr. Cortés-Funes

¿Sabes realmente qué es la metástasis?

El Dr. Hernán Cortés-Funes nos explica a través de este vídeo el concepto de metástasis y su implicación en la determinación del tratamiento de la enfermedad. La metástasis siempre se ha considerado como un mal dato de la evolución de un tumor porque indica que las células cancerígenas se han extendido. Sin embargo, no necesariamente supone un peor pronóstico, si el tumor tiene tratamiento, éste será igual de efectivo frente al tumor primario como frente a la metástasis. [Continue Reading]

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952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy




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