La #epilepsia: Cuando el cerebro genera crisis epilépticas
La epilepsia es un trastorno neurológico crónico que afecta a personas de todas las edades.
La epilepsia es un trastorno neurológico crónico que afecta a personas de todas las edades.
HC Marbella has invested 1 million euros to be able to launch their new PET-CT scanner, the most advanced technology available for the early detection, monitoring and planning of cancer treatment. [Continue Reading]
At HC Marbella Breast Unit it is possible to detect very small tumours thanks to the experience of professionals as Dr Bellinvia. This, together with early detection tests such as breast tomosynthesis (3D mammography), have a very high impact on the treatment and prognosis of breast cancer. Doctor Bellinvia´s expertise, along with the specificity of the tomosynthesis technique, makes it possible to detect tumours that, due to their tiny size, could go unnoticed.
The fact of sweating in summer is a normal reaction due to the high temperatures, and even more if we are in a climate of high humidity. [Continue Reading]
If you are someone that deals with obesity or excess weight, and, especially, if you are a woman, you may experience discrimination socially and in the work world, which can cause a decrease in self-esteem and quality of life. The treatments are sometimes complex, chronic or can take a long time to see results. Social alarmism, media pressure, and flash diets that are so often mentioned in social media, make achieving satisfactory results more difficult.
The eyes are the center of attention in every glance, and one’s gaze is a main part of their personality. Over the years, our faces continually undergo modification due to changes in our skin, loss of volume, and the fall of facial tissue. The loss of elasticity in the skin around the eyebrows, the upper-eyelid, or bags under the eyes, are some of the signs the show the aging process of the face and the accumulated solar damage to our skin.
En los últimos meses la mascarilla se ha convertido en elemento indispensable para nuestro día a día.
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Hoy, 15 de febrero, es el Día Internacional contra el Cáncer infantil. A pesar de ser considerada una enfermedad rara, cada año se diagnostican cerca de 1.500 nuevos casos de niños (0 a 18 años) con cáncer en España. En países occidentales es una de las principales causas de mortalidad en niños y adolescentes. [Continue Reading]
The first radiotherapy machine in Marbella has become operational. Gone are the distances between hospital centres and the waiting times that, until now, have reduced the quality of life of people with cancer in the municipality and surrounding area.
La situación sanitaria actual debida a la pandemia ha afectado de forma transversal a los pacientes oncológicos. A pesar de que los tratamientos han seguido su curso con normalidad y se han creado circuitos seguros para este grupo de enfermos, el miedo a acudir a los centros hospitalarios ha hecho que el diagnóstico de cáncer haya caído notablemente en los últimos meses. [Continue Reading]
Revisar nuestra salud ahora nos permitirá disfrutar de la vida con plenitud. Porque, aunque presumas de una buena salud, los malos hábitos de vida o algunos factores genéticos pueden predisponernos a padecer cáncer, diabetes o hipertensión. Para prevenir enfermedades es necesario realizar revisiones médicas periódicas. Pero, ¿con qué frecuencia? ¿Cuáles son los chequeos rutinarios más importantes? [Continue Reading]
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