


Dr.Wilfredo thank you so much for the pleasant service and the amazing hospitality

Wilfredo thank you so much for the pleasant service.

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Dr. José Ignacio Gerchunoff, ginecólogo

I would like to write my feedbacks about Dr. Gerchunoff José Ignacio, gynecologist

Dr. José Ignacio Gerchunoff, ginecólogo I would like to write my feedbacks about Dr. Gerchunoff José Ignacio, gynecologist.

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Dr. Hernández Rubiño HC

Estoy muy agradecida por toda la atención del Dr. Hernández

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Dr. Hernández Rubiño HCEl número uno me operó en HC hace dos semanas.

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Dr. Sandro Chiti-Batelli

My son had a nose operation with Dr. Chiti-Batelli

Dr. Sandro Chiti-Batelli My son had a nose operation with Dr. Chiti-Batelli.


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Gracias Marina y ojalá nos encontráramos más a menudo con profesionales como tú

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Marina_TC Definitivamente la atención de la enfermera que ha estado conmigo en la prueba ha sido de lo mejor que me había podido pasar en el día, agradezco de corazón su empatía, trato cercano y ayuda durante el TAC.

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Dr. Fco Antuña

The quality of care and level of service were excellent

Dr. Fco Antuña Just a short note to thank the doctor, anaesthetist, nurses and all the support staff for looking after me so well before, during and after my minor operation yesterday.

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Testimonio Dr. Antonio Ayllón

I had knee surgery with Dr. Antonio Ayllón

Testimonio Dr. Antonio Ayllón I was a patient with you from 25 November 2022. I had knee surgery with Dr. Ayllón.

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Otorrino Dr. Antonio Hernández

Llevo meses acudiendo por revisiones periódicas de ambos oídos por el Dr. Antonio Hernández Rubiño

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Otorrino Dr. Antonio Hernández Llevo meses acudiendo por revisiones periódicas de ambos oídos por el Dr. Hernández.

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Inmejorable trato al paciente por parte de todo el personal

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Inmejorable trato al paciente por parte de todo el personal.


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Dra. Cristina Garrido

We are very lucky to have access to some of the best medical facilities in the world

Dra. Cristina Garrido Having had fantastic service in the past during my brothers cancer treatment, and learning that HC are now accepting our Sanitas insurance, we decided to book a visit to the family doctor at the hospital.


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Dr. González Chamorro

Very high quality medical care in a healing environment

Dr. González Chamorro My experience in HC was a very positive one.


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Tel.: +34 952 908 628
+34 609 148 799

952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy




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