


Business is about people and you have some wonderful assets

I would like to put on record my appreciation for the way I have been treated by you, the reception staff and of course your wonderful caring staff (nurses), cleaners & catering staff.

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Testimonio Dr. Ayllón

El Dr. Antonio Ayllón operó a mi madre de cadera y fémur. Lo hizo genial.

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Testimonio Dr. Ayllón


El Dr. Antonio Ayllón operó a mi madre de cadera y fémur. Lo hizo genial.


Es un gran profesional. Le había perdido la pista pero es bueno tenerlo localizado.

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Nicolas lundahl Ciano (1)

Quisiera expresar mi agradecimiento al Dr. Nicolás Lundahl Ciano-Petersen

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español.

Nicolas lundahl Ciano (1) Quisiera expresar mi agradecimiento al Dr. Nicolás Ciano, por su atención recibida.

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Dr. Jesús Romero Imbroda- testimonio

My husband developed a movement disorder after a visit to the chiropractor in the UK

My husband developed a movement disorder after a visit to the chiropractor in the UK.

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Testimonio Sra Friedrich

Carta de la Sra. Friedrich para el Dr. Ricardo Aguilar PerezGrovas

Testimonio Sra Friedrich A la atención del Dr. Aguilar PerezGrovas.


Dejadme que os narre mi encuentro con él, en un momento concreto de mi vida.

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resonancia craneal

I had an MRI scan carried out at your hospital

resonancia craneal I had an MRI Scan carried out at your hospital and would like to remark on the excellent treatment carried out by very friendly staff in beautiful surroundings.

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mamografía por tomosintesis

I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer following a routine mammogram

tomosíntesis I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in December 2021 following a routine mammogram.


In January I had the small lump removed followed by radiotherapy in March.

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HC Nuevas Instalaciones- Ginecología

I went for the Gynaecology Unit and it was super quick and comfortable

HC Nuevas Instalaciones- Ginecología


Cannot describe how happy I am with the service I received.


I went for the Gynaecology Unit and it was super quick and comfortable unlike other clinics I’ve been to.

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Dr José Manuel Trigo

Mi Dr. José Manuel Trigo, le agradeceré toda mi vida por mi vida

Dr José Manuel Trigo Mi Dr. Trigo, te agradeceré toda mi vida por mi vida.

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Dr Paul Hughes

A 5 star urologist from my experience

Dr Paul Hughes Highly recommended, a 5 star urologist from my experience.

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Tel.: +34 952 908 628
+34 609 148 799

952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy




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