


Agradecimiento de paciente de radioterapia

Many thanks to you and your team for all that you have done

Agradecimiento de paciente de radioterapia

Many thanks to you and your team for all that you have done.

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Sala de espera hccc

The care I have received has been absolutely amazing

Sala de espera hcccThe care I have received has been absolutely amazing.

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Testimonio OG

Me cuidan, me ayudan, me protegen, me miman … ¡Y encima van y me curan!

Testimonio OG Aunque no es la peor noticia que recibí en mi vida, sí diría que es la que me caló más hondo. Y más hondo aún me caló la suerte de poder vivirla y tratarme en HC.

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Agradecimiento a Lorena Pagán

Thank you so very much for all help

Agradecimiento a Lorena Pagán Thank you so very much Lorena for all help in getting me seen so quickly.

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Equipo HC Diagnóstico por Imagen

Hello Sofia! I wanted to thank you and personnel for the attention

Equipo HC Diagnóstico por ImagenHello Sofia! I wanted to thank you and personnel for the attention. I received full report immediately after examination. Have a good day!

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Sesiones de radioterapia en Marbella

25 sesiones de radioterapia en HC Marbella Hospital Internacional

Sesiones de radioterapia en MarbellaEl pasado mes de Julio me di 25 sesiones de radioterapia en HC Marbella.

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Dra. Marta Frieyro en Marbella

I had surgery for skin cancer by Dr. Marta Frieyro

Dra. Marta Frieyro en Marbella


Excellent private hospital, great surroundings. All the staff from reception to nurses are very kind and professional.

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Olivia- Unidad Ginecología

The best experience I have ever had by medical professionals

Olivia- Unidad GinecologíaDear Olivia!


I would like to thank all of you at HC Marbella for a fantastic experience and for your professional service!

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Tel.: +34 952 908 628
+34 609 148 799

952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy




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