Noticias HC

Dermatology. Myths and truths about hair at last explained by specialists III

* ¿Are bald men more virile?


* Does dye cause hair loss? Does the hair dryer harm the hair?


* There are thousands of queries and even more myths with which popular wisdom tries to answer them.


Mitos sobre el cabello IIIWe have asked the most outstanding experts in the field of hair care and hair loss. They have helped to clarify queries and dismantle false myths.


We continue with our series of questions and answers about hair with scientific explanations.


Are vitamins of use?


Androgenetic alopecia or common pattern baldness may be accelerated in situations of deficiency of certain nutritive elements essential for the formation of hair. In these cases, administration of supplements based on cystine, minerals and vitamins is advisable. This is the case of people who are on a diet, who practise sport, are convalescent, or find themselves in situations of stress or any other state where basic needs are lacking.


What is diffuse alopecia?


We dermatologists speak of telogen or anagen effluvium (flow) and it is a type of alopecia which should be studied in depth, since it can be produced by different causes, such as infectious diseases, alterations in the thyroid gland, hormonal alteration, anaemias, lack of iron, a deficiency of zinc, medicines, childbirth, stress, etc. The dermatologist will study each case to find the cause and solve the problem.


What is alopecia areata?


Alopecia areata manifests itself by hair loss on the scalp or on the body in one or more limited areas (bald patches). It is an autoimmune disorder which in many cases is brought on by stress.


What is cicatricial alopecia?


Cicatricial alopecias are those where the follicles are finally replaced by a scar. When the roots are destroyed, the loss of the hair is irreversible. Some examples are lichen planus, frontal fibrosing alopecia or folliculitis decalvans. In other cases, the causes are secondary, such as burns or injuries.


Does dandruff cause hair loss?


Dandruff is usually a symptom of a dermatological process, such as seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis. You should consult the dermatologist so that he/she can make the correct diagnosis and apply the appropriate treatment. And it does not cause hair loss.


Does the hair dryer harm the hair?


Careful use of the hair dryer should not harm the hair, but it may cause harm if we use it at its full power or too close to the hair. Continually drying the hair close to the roots when the air is too hot should be avoided.


Are cosmetic vials and so-called anti-hair loss shampoos of any use in stopping hair loss in men?


A good shampoo can be an ally but never a treatment for alopecia. Cosmetic lotions can help to improve the aesthetic aspect of poor hair, but they will never be a basic treatment.


Which shampoo is the best for washing your hair?


There is no such thing as a miracle shampoo, but today, the pharmaceutical industry produces very good shampoos. It is important to choose the right shampoo for each patient according to their needs (greasy hair, dandruff, sensitive scalp, need for greater hydration…). The dermatologist will advise you on which is the right shampoo for you so that you can wash your hair frequently without harming it.


Does dying your hair make it fall out?


No cosmetics can cause or worsen baldness. The roots of our hair are embedded deep in our skin and cannot be affected by any product that we apply externally to our hair.


Are bald mern more virile?

No. Bald men do not have more testosterone, it is just that their hair follicles are more sensitive to the action of this hormone.


Let us study your case. Our specialists at the Capillary Dermatology Unit, HC Marbella, will evaluate your case and tell you if you can benefit from any of the treatments available. There are many different treatments for alopecia. Don’t give up hope!


Sources: Dra. Mota / Dr. Alcaide / Dra. Meyer.
Dermocapillary Unit HC Marbella.



May 22, 2019




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