Noticias HC

The most revolutionary solution for women’s comprehensive wellbeing, “with no surgery”

vaginal laserWe are increasingly aware of the importance of taking care of ourselves and feeling comfortable in many different aspects, including our private parts.


A woman undergoes many changes throughout her lifetime. Pregnancies, labour, hormonal changes and menopause are some factors that can affect intimacy: the vaginal walls may dilate excessively, there may be loss of vaginal lubrication and elasticity, as well as dryness and irritation. All of these things affect women’s intimate comfort and decrease their confidence and the quality of their sexual activity.


Medical technology is constantly improving to offer us more efficient and less invasive solutions. The latest revolution in the women’s unit has already arrived; it’s the newest generation of lasers, especially designed to treat in a non-invasive way the problems that affect women and that could only be treated with surgery.


What is the CO2 laser and what does it do?

CO2 fractional laser technology in gynaecology has given a new boost to the development of treatments for the vaginal mucous membrane.


Gynelase can treat vaginal atrophy, vaginal hyperlaxity and involuntary urination upon exertion (of light or moderate degree).


The CO2 laser is applied directly on the mucous membrane of the vaginal walls, which induces the remodelling and stimulation of the tissue and leads to collagen regeneration in that area. In this way, the membrane becomes thicker and microcirculation improves, making it function better by providing increased lubrication.


Advantages vaginal laser


Recent studies show that Gynelase is also highly effective in the treatment of a very taboo symptom that deeply affects many women during menopause: urinary incontinence. Indeed, by stimulating the vaginal tissues with the emission of CO2 lasers, the affected urogenital structures regain their functionality. This in turn restores urinary control and dramatically improves quality of life, both physically and psychologically.


CO2 laser reduction labiaplasty and vaginal remodelling obtain better and safer results than going under the knife. In fact, laser treatment coagulates and leads to less scars and inflammation, which reduces post-surgery discomfort for the patient. Furthermore, it increases the firmness and elastic of the membrane, while stimulating the production of collagen.


At Gynecology Unit at HC Marbella International Hospital, we already have this technology. If you are interested, you can call us at 952 908 628 or contact us through our website.


Make an appointment today for a free consultation so that we can provide you with the information you need and answer your questions with no obligation.


Gynecology Unit

HC Marbella International Hospital



May 25, 2017




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