Noticias HC

Gynecology. Do you have weak #pelvic floor muscles?

Pelvic floor treatment marbella


Have you heard of the pelvic floor but don’t really know what it is?


This is exactly what happened to Eli, the subject of our article.


For many women the pelvic floor is a mystery, even though they may have heard of it, they are unaware of the activities that can damage it or to what extent its dysfunction can affect their quality of life.


Some women only become aware of the importance of the pelvic floor when it develops a problem causing them to experience their first symptoms, the most common being: urinary incontinence.


What exactly is the pelvic floor?


The pelvic floor is a network of muscles, ligaments and tissues which act as a sling to support the pelvic organs: uterus, vagina, bladder, urethra and rectum. If the muscles, ligaments or tissues are weakened or damaged, the pelvic organs or small intestine can descend and protrude into the vagina. If the damage is serious the organs can protrude through the opening of the vagina outside the body.


In all types the most common symptom is a feeling of heaviness or pressure in the area of the vagina, as if the uterus, bladder or rectum were falling out.


Vaginal delivery is the main cause of weakening and damage to the pelvic floor.


Generally, however, pelvic floor problems are due to a combination of factors. Apart from vaginal delivery, the others include:


● Chronic constipation: exertion when having a bowel movement can damage the pelvic floor.


● Impact sports: Some sporting activities, such as running, cause a repeated increase in intra-abdominal pressure.


● Obesity: Being overweight is clearly related to weakness of the tissues which support the bladder.


● Women who have undergone gynaecological surgery or aggressive treatment such as radiotherapy for pelvic tumours.


Some of these factors can be treated and improved.


The majority of the time, conservative treatment is the initial method of treatment in problems of weakness or damage to the pelvic floor. When effective, peroneal physiotherapy succeeds in strengthening these muscles for pregnancy, birth and recovering after delivery. It is a method of prevention as well as treatment.


CO2 laser (link a articulo laser) is a new technology which applies energy inside the vagina. The heat produced by the laser encourages the formation of new collagen and increases the thickness of the vaginal wall. It is an effective, non-evasive technique with no side effects.


At HC Marbella we assess your pelvic muscles to offer you the most appropriate treatment for your case.


HC Fertility thoughts and recommendations:


“A weakened pelvic floor affects our sexuality, it can cause backache, urinary incontinence or prolapse, and even problems such as involuntary passing of wind and faeces”, explains Dra. Angela Escobar, from the Department of Gynaecology at HC Marbella.


Do not lift heavy weights. Avoid lifting weights which are heavier than your baby until you have re-trained your pelvic floor.


Take your time in the loo. Do not force or push with your abdominal muscles, your bowel is not going to empty simply because you have decided that it should.


If urine leaks when you run…try another sport! Although running is the current trend, the impact of your feet hitting the floor is detrimental to a pelvic floor which is not sufficiently strong, but don’t stop exercising!


Dra. Escobar
Dr. Ángela Escobar Casas

Gynaecology and Obstetrics



July 19, 2018




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