Noticias HC

The 5 questions about #tobacco that you may not have considered

artículo dia del tabaquismo Today May 31 is WHO’s World No Tobacco Day, and this year its motto is “Tobacco and Heart Disease.” For this reason, I would like to comment on some aspects of smoking with the intention of being able to clarify doubts about it and help generate more awareness regarding this disease.


This year we wanted to give an important emphasis to the relationship that smoking has with the development of cardiovascular deseases, to generate more awareness in this regard and not only relate smoking with lung diseases.


Many times smokers can not give up the consumption of the tobacco because they see the consequences of smoking as something very distant and that can happen in the twilight of life, coming to think “I’ll have to die of something”, but unfortunately the consequences of smoking go beyond of developing lung cancer in old age, the reality is that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases present at a younger age, and can cause great losses in terms of quality of life of the patient.


Below, we answer some of the questions that we believe can help resolve concerns among our patients:


The cigarette without smoke or combustion that is so trendy, do you think it helps to quit smoking or to avoid the risk associated with tobacco use?


Much has been talked about and researched in the last years of the vaping devices, or electronic cigarette, as well as the recent introduction of the Iqos device, in which there is no combustion of the tobacco but a heating of the same. Several studies published in medical journals have shown the presence of harmful particles in the smoke of these devices, some of them in lower concentration, but some others in higher concentration compared with the ordinary cigarette.


Some experts in tobacco use advise these devices ONLY as a bridge or help to give up smoking of the ordinary cigarettes, but with the idea of ​​eventually leaving all kinds of consumption. This position is not suitable for all patients, since there is a risk that the patient will acquire a new harmful addiction without even getting rid of the first one. The position of the SEPAR (Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery) is that Iqos is TOXIC and ADDICTIVE like tobacco and that, although some harmful substances are present in lower concentrations, such quantity is sufficient to cause toxicity in the body of those who consume it.


Is tobacco the main cause of the high incidence of lung cancer in women?


Indeed, in recent decades a direct relationship can be seen between the increase in female smokers (especially in developed countries) and the increase in the incidence of lung cancer in women. It must be remembered that there are basically 3 types of lung cancer, 2 of which are directly related to tobacco consumption.


We recently celebrated the World Day of Rare Diseases … Can smoking influence the development of rare respiratory diseases?


Definitely, a large part of lung diseases develop thanks to the stimulus of tissue damage (damage that occurs in organic tissue) and its constant repair. Tobacco, being toxic, generates that cycle of damage / repair is perpetuated, giving rise to diseases such as rare infections or autoimmune disorders, which, although perhaps is not its direct cause. However, it has been demonstrated that it is a very important aggravating factor. It is basic, for any lung disease, not to do more damage when consuming tobacco.


Is an anti-smoking treatment at HC Marbella definitive in most cases?


Although the treatment depends in large part on the patient’s conviction to stop smoking, without doubt we have information, strategies and personalized treatments that greatly increase the success of the anti-smoking program. As it is said, where there is a will, there is the way and we can help you to be able to.


A proposal to drastically reduce the consumption of tobacco in Spain…


It is complicated, I personally believe that increasing taxes on tobacco and limiting advertising have helped, however, have not been enough strategies to reduce their consumption. I believe in education, in the one that is received at home, as in schools and institutions, from an early age, since primary prevention will always be more effective than the secondary one, that is, it is more simple and effective to get someone to never start to smoke, that get people who smoke stop doing it.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding smoking, or wish to quit smoking, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help you enjoy a tobacco-free life.


Request your appointment +34 952 908 628.


Dr. Ricardo Aguilar PerezGrovasDr. Ricardo Aguilar PerezGrovas
Pulmonology Specialist



May 31, 2018




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