Cosmetic-aesthetic defects may have multiple causes. However, most of the vascular and pigmented lesions are ideal candidates for the non-invasive Intense Pulsed Light treatment AFT.
AFT Intense Pulsed Light treatments minimize the patients discomfort and side effects and can be applied to many types of vascular and pigmented lesions, quickly and without pain. It achieves a very significant improvement in stain removal, small and fine wrinkles, skin elasticity, etc.
The energy of the selective AFT light is absorbed by the target areas, without damaging the healthy skin and selectively heating and closing blood vessels. The light reduces injuries and avoids any damage to the surrounding tissue. The high levels of AFT light and the soft parameters assure safe and effective treatments. The optimum use of energy provides both security and also eliminates the need for additional cooling methods.
November 7, 2017
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