Among patients with early-stage breast cancer who were considered at high risk for disease recurrence based on clinical and biological criteria, the MammaPrint genetic test identified a large group of patients for whom five-year distant metastasis–free survival was equally good whether or not they received adjuvant chemotherapy (chemotherapy given post-surgery), according to results from the randomized, phase III microarray in node negative disease may avoid chemotherapy (MINDACT) clinical trial to be presented here at the AACR Annual Meeting 2016, April 16-20.
“At present, most oncologists make recommendations for adjuvant chemotherapy after considering common clinical and biological criteria such as patient’s age, and the stage and grade, as well as the hormonal receptor and HER2 status of his or her tumor,” said Martine Piccart, MD, PhD, head of the Medicine Department at the Jules Bordet Institute in Brussels, Belgium, and co-founder and chair of the Breast International Group (BIG). “The MINDACT trial results provide level 1A evidence that using MammaPrint could change clinical practice by substantially de-escalating the use of adjuvant chemotherapy and sparing many patients an aggressive treatment they will not benefit from.”
Among the 3,356 patients enrolled in the MINDACT trial who were categorized as having a high risk of breast cancer recurrence based on common clinical and pathological criteria (C-high), treatment according to MammaPrint reduced the chemotherapy prescription by 46 percent. Five-year distant metastasis–free survival for the discordant G-low/C-high group is in excess of 94 percent, whether patients received CT or not.
Piccart explained that when considering all the patients enrolled in the MINDACT trial, 14 percent could avoid chemotherapy by using the 70-gene signature MammaPrint genetic test to assess risk compared with using traditional clinical assessments.
La noticia empieza en el minuto 42:34 y termina en el 43:42
Dra. Eva Ciruelos
Oncologist at the Breast Cancer Unit of Hospital 12 de Octubre (Madrid)
Associate professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the Complutense University of Madrid
May 6, 2016
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