Jardines HC Marbella 2018

HC Marbella Search Results




Diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular oedema

  People with diabetes are 25 times more likely to suffer blindness than the rest of the population. Fortunately, proper control of the disease and timely therapeutic action have proven to be effective in preventing this from occurring.   This requires the patient to be aware of his or her condition, to have a medical […]



  As we age, the crystalline lens (the natural lens of the eye that allows us to focus at different distances) loses elasticity and transparency. This ocular circumstance causes blurred vision and difficulty to see clearly, and is what we know as cataract.   Our ophthalmology team excels in the treatment of cataracts, offering state-of-the-art […]


Bone and Tendon Tissue Unit

At HC Marbella we are accredited by the Andalusian Health Service (SAS) to carry out osteotendinous tissue allograft procedures.   Having a bone or osteotendinous tissue bank for transplantation provides improved effectiveness in surgical procedures which require re-establishment of the anatomy, having been damaged by either a tumour or an infection, or which are the […]


Solicita una cita

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. Cita online Rellena el formulario para poder programar tu cita.   Lorena, nuestra coordinadora de pacientes, se pondrá en contacto contigo para poder asesorarte sobre el especialista más indicado para tu caso.     Formulario de Contacto Pedir cita por teléfono Si prefiere hablar con nosotros, llámenos […]


Clinical Trials Unit

The Clinical Trials Unit at HC Cancer Center aims to provide cancer patients with access to cutting-edge therapies.   Clinical trials are essential in the search for safer and more effective medical treatments, they represent an open door to innovation and hope for patients.   Participation in a clinical trial does not entail additional costs […]


Total Knee Replacement

Surgical precision for an active, pain-free life   Total knee replacement (TKR) is one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures in orthopaedic surgery. It is suitable for patients whose knees are severely affected by multi-compartment arthritis. Often the arthritis causes significant pain and reduced movement with loss of full extension and flexion. Advanced arthritis […]


Partial Knee Replacement

Surgical precision for an active, pain-free life   Partial knee replacement (PKR) is a surgical solution for patients with established osteoarthritis limited to a single knee compartment, usually the inside (medial) compartment. PKR can also address osteoarthritis in the outside (lateral) compartment, and even the kneecap (patello-femoral) compartment.   During the surgery, the damaged joint […]


Programa de pérdida de peso

  Técnicas innovadoras y mínimamente invasivas Las articulaciones y estructuras óseas del pie y del tobillo se ven expuestas a un movimiento continuo soportando todo el peso del organismo. De este modo, estas estructuras se ven frecuentemente lesionadas, por sobrecargas o daño directo en jóvenes y deportistas. También, dado el continuo trabajo que realizan, sufren […]


Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer

El cáncer de colon en estados iniciales suele ser asintomático. Su hallazgo suele presentarse cuando ya está muy avanzado y refiere síntomas o bien en estadios precoces durante un chequeo de cáncer de colorrectal.   Una vez detectado el cáncer su especialista le recomendará una serie de pruebas con el fin de realizar un diagnóstico […]


Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland.   It is the most common urological condition in men. According to the European Urology Association, it affects 50% of men aged 50, and 80% of those aged 80.   The growth of the prostate obstructs the urethra causing urinary symptoms that can disturb sleep, […]


¿Qué enfermedades afectan más a los hombres?

La esperanza de media promedio del hombre es 5 años menor de la mujer. Existen distintos factores, ya sean características biológicas cómo hábitos diarios que hacen a los hombres más propensos a sufrir cierto tipo de enfermedades.   En noviembre, mes de la concienciación de la Salud masculina, nos unimos al movimiento Movember y te […]




Online appointment and download of test results through My HC.

Tel.: +34 952 908 628

952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy




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