Jardines HC Marbella 2018

HC Marbella Search Results




Radiotherapy in benign conditions

Radiotherapy in benign conditions uses the anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative effects of low-dose radiation to treat musculoskeletal, inflammatory, degenerative and proliferative processes.   The same radiation techniques are used as in oncological conditions, but at much lower doses, making the side effects minimal or non-existent.   Usually treatment consists of a few non-invasive sessions, of short […]


Artropatías microcristalinas

Sorry, this entry is only available in Español. La artropatía gotosa es la causa más frecuente de artritis a nivel mundial.   Acuda a las revisiones. Realice los análisis y pruebas que se le indiquen. Aproveche para consultar a su médico las dudas que tenga sobre la enfermedad o su tratamiento. superando en frecuencia a […]


Diseases of the esophagus and stomach

El esófago en un tubo muscular hueco a través del cual pasan los alimentos tanto sólido cómo líquidos desde boca hasta llegar al estómago. Esto lo realiza impulsando los alimentos a través de contracciones musculares (peristaltismo).   Entre el esófago y el estómago se localizan unas válvulas (esfínter esofágico superior e inferior) que se abren […]


Oncología Integrativa, por una mejor calidad de vida del paciente oncológico

Integrative oncology combines conventional medicine with complementary medicine practices which have been scientifically proven to be effective, with the aim of giving the patient the most complete care and treatment possible for their disease.


Gynaecological Oncology

At HC Marbella’s Gynaecology Department we specialise in the prevention and early diagnosis of cancers of the breast, ovary, uterus, cervix and vagina.   Our cancer centre has a gynaecological tumour unit that offers patients diagnosis and treatment of these conditions.   It consists of a team of specialists including gynaecologists, surgeons, oncologists, radiation therapists, […]


Respiratory function tests

Respiratory function tests assess whether the lungs are functioning correctly.   These tests enable analysis of: Lung capacity, in other words how much air the lungs are able to hold.   How air moves from inside to outside the lungs.   Whether the right amount of oxygen is reaching the bloodstream.   They are non-invasive […]



Headache is one of the most prevalent neurological diseases. Nearly 40% of the population will suffer from headache during their lifetime. The most common is migraine or tension-type headache, but there are many other types of headache, a differential diagnosis is therefore necessary.   Headache is a symptom and describes any pain that arises in […]


Prostate cancer treatment

The treatment of prostate cancer will depend on different factors: the type and stage of cancer, the patient’s general health, possible side effects, and the patient’s preference.   At HC Marbella, a multidisciplinary medical team of medical oncologists, urologists, surgeons and radiation oncologists will work together as a team to provide the treatment option that […]


HC Cancer Center, centro oncológico de HC Marbella International Hospital, será el primer centro privado de Málaga con un laboratorio de pruebas genómicas

HC Marbella, en su firme apuesta por la salud, la investigación y los cuidados de sus pacientes ampliará sus actuales 1050 m2, dedicados a su centro oncológico, realizando una inversión de 2 millones de euros, que se suma a los 8 millones ya invertidos en dichas instalaciones.


Albéndiz Gutiérrez, Vicente Javier

Allergology Speciality Allergology Registration Nº 292872259 Languages English and Spanish Training 2008-2014: Degree in Medicine and Surgery from University San Pablo CEU (Madrid).   2014-2015: Master’s in Integration and Clinical Problem Solving in Medicine from the University de Alcala (Madrid). Speciality: Allergology (Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid).   2020-2021: Master’s Degree in Allergy Developments […]


The benefits of colorectal cancer screening at age 45

Colorectal cancer is diagnosed mainly in people between the ages of 65 and 74, but it is estimated that 10% of new cases of colon cancer occurs to people younger than 50, according to a report from the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) published recently in the JAMA medical journal.




Online appointment and download of test results through My HC.

Tel.: +34 952 908 628

952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy




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