Jardines HC Marbella 2018

HC Marbella Search Results




Sexually Transmitted Infections Screening

It is estimated that half of sexually active people will contract an STI before the age of 25   Targeted at men and women Frequency according to patient need Download information     Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Screening PCR-based rapid microbiological testing for different STIs. Same-day results. Early treatment. Contact tracing. Information on prevention.   […]


Frieyro Elícegui, Marta

Specialist in Dermatology and Venereology   Speciality Dermatology and Venereology   Special professional orientation towards dermatological oncology and sexually transmitted diseases.   Special interest in dermatological lasers, acne scar treatment, keloid, rosacea treatment by intense pulsed light and treatment of facial spots and photorejuvenation by pulsed light and non-ablative Frax 1550 lasers and ablative fractional […]


#Capillary Systems

    * The FAS Fixed Hair System is a comfortable and natural alternative that provides a higher density of hair without having to undergo a hair transplant.   * It has nothing to do with the uncomfortable and unnatural wigs.


Dermocapillary Unit

The medical team of the dermocapillary unit of HC Marbella, formed by dermatologists with extensive experience and specialized in trichology and hair transplants, will analyze your case carefully, making a correct clinical diagnosis of your type of alopecia and advising you on the most appropriate solutions for your case.     Hair transplant Hair prostheses […]


#Skin Cancer Screening Guidelines

In Spain each year more than 150,000 people are diagnosed with the most common forms of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, together known as “non-melanoma skin cancer”.   Fortunately there are ways to detect the majority of these cancers whilst curative treatment is still possible. However it is important to be […]


Fernández-Villamor Ortiz, Raúl

Especialista en Psiquiatría Especialidad Psiquiatría Nº Colegiado 41/-12.892 Formación 1979-1985: Licenciado en Medicina y Cirugía por la Universidad de Granada.   1989-1991: Formación doctoral. Cursos de Doctorado en Farmacología y Neurociencias. Universidad de Granada.   1988-1992: Especialista en Psiquiatría. Vía MIR. Hospital Princesa de España.   1994-1995: Experto en Psicoterapia Dinámica. Universidad de Sevilla.   […]


What is dermocosmetics?

    Cosmetic dermatology is the branch of dermatology that deals with the care and cosmetic enhancement of normal skin, by preventing or repairing the constant changes that our skin undergoes.


#Sexually Transmitted Diseases

  More than one million people contract sexually transmitted diseases every day, but what are STDs?   Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) – also called sexually transmitted infections (STI) – are infections that are transmitted through the contact of sexual organs (through both heterosexual and homosexual relations). However, these are not the only ways in which […]


Healthcare for Children

At HC we strive to offer the best care for you and your family, as a result we now also provide care for the wellbeing of your children. We deliver comprehensive and personalised care for the whole family, with specialists dedicated to the care of patients from birth to the age of 14.     […]


Professional chemical peels

    Professional peels consist in the controlled application of products (acids) on the skin, provoking its renewal. The basis is the exfoliating action of these products, achieving the removal of various skin layers, cell regeneration and promoting the restoration of collagen and elastin fibers. The skin looks younger, smoother and brighter after a few […]


Estudios oncológicos podrían cambiar la práctica clínica en varios tumores

  Avances científicos presentados con motivo del congreso de la Sociedad Europea de Oncología Médica podrían cambiar la práctica clínica en diferentes tumores. Estos ensayos tienen como objetivo el beneficio de los pacientes con cáncer, una enfermedad de la que se diagnosticaron en España 247.771 nuevos casos en 2015, según cifras más actualizadas. Aquí los […]




Online appointment and download of test results through My HC.

Tel.: +34 952 908 628

952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy




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