Jardines HC Marbella 2018

HC Marbella Search Results




#Vaginal Rejuvenation

  Do not let hormonal changes impair your self-confidence! The vagina is the organ with the highest density of estrogen receptors per surface of the human body.Estrogens are the hormones produced by the ovaries, responsible, among other functions, for maintaining hydration of the genital mucosa (vulva and vagina). That is why, when the menopause arrives […]


Oncology. #Immunotherapy in breast cancer: ongoing challenges

* The action of immunotherapy drugs on some cancers, such as lung and melanoma, has already altered prognosis of the disease.  


Male Health. #Impotence or #Erectile Dysfunction

Embarrassment and false beliefs cause delay in remedying male impotence.   Sexual health is currently an important factor in a person’s quality of life. Sexual impotency, although it is not a problem that puts one’s life at risk, can cause undesirable consequences in a patient’s life, influencing their relationships and self-esteem and possibly even, causing […]


Oncology. #Breastfeeding and Breast Cancer

    Breast cancer represents the first cause of cancer death among women in our environment and unfortunately, its incidence is slowly increasing. Undoubtedly, early diagnosis is one of the best weapons to fight this serious disease, but its prevention is also paramount.


World Heart Day 2018 ❤️

*“My Heart, Your Heart” – this year’s motto of the international campaign initiated by the WHO.   *Today, September 29th, we celebrate the World Heart Day 2018. This year’s goal of this global campaign has been to arise awareness towards cardio-vascular disease, still the number one killer world-wide.


Oncology. #Immunotherapy for Kidney Cancer

Treatment of kidney cancer with Immunotherapy: a new way of thinking.   Renal cell cancer (kidney cancer or renal adenocarcinoma) is a disease in which cancer cells are found in the lining of the tubules of the kidney. Fortunately it is becoming easier to detect because with a routine ultrasound the presence of the disease […]


“It’s been a year since Dr. López Alcázar operated me”, I.M.B.D.

    My name is Isabel. Today, a year ago, Dr. López Alcázar operated me (…). Just before I had surgery, I had a severe dorso-lumbar idiopathic scoliosis of 78º and 44º in the Lenke Classification: 3B-.


Cookies and local storage

Information on data processing The owner of this website is HC Hospitales, S.L., with CIF: B79962122. Domicile: 11, Ventura del Mar Street, PC 29660, Nueva Andalucía, Marbella. Telephone: 952 908 628 Email: info@hcmarbella.com Registered in the Central Mercantile Register of Madrid, Volume 1.408, Folio 182, Section 8th, Page n   This website, like most websites, […]


Oncology. #Brain Tumour

    A brain tumour is a mass which grows within an area of the central nervous system (CNS), including the cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata and spinal cord.   A tumour of the central nervous system (CNS) starts and develops when healthy cells of the brain or spinal cord change and grow out of control, […]


Obesity. #Apollo Method

Do you need to lose between 15 kg. and 35 kg? You have tried with multiple diets and treatments and have not been successful? If so, learning about the APOLLO method is very interesting for you.


Obesidad. #¿Por qué soy gordo? ¿Influyen los genes en el desarrollo de obesidad?

  ¿Padres obesos, hijos obesos?   Seguro que muchos padres y madres que sufren de obesidad se han planteado en algún momento si su enfermedad afectará también a sus hijos e hijas. ¿Es la genética un factor decisivo? ¿Se puede hacer algo por evitarlo o hay que asumir lo inevitable?




Online appointment and download of test results through My HC.

Tel.: +34 952 908 628

952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy




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