Jardines HC Marbella 2018

HC Marbella Search Results




Prevention & Risk Factors for Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is largely preventable with routine screening, including colonoscopy.


Basic evaluation of cardiovascular risks

Cardiovascular diseases are diseases affect the arteries that go to the heart and other organs, mainly the brain, kidneys and legs. The most important diseases are: myocardial infarct and stroke or ictus (brain stroke or hemorrhage). They can be very serious and are the leading cause of death in developed countries.


González Chamorro, Antonio

Specialist in General Surgery and digestive system Specialty General surgery and digestive system Proffesional number 292843580 Work chronology Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery in 1989, at the Complutense University of Madrid.   Specialization via MIR, the Spanish medical internal resident training, in General Surgery and Gastroenterology (digestive system) at the Hospital Doce de Octubre in […]


What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic condition which is triggered when the body either loses its ability to produce sufficient insulin or is unable to use insulin effectively. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas which allows glucose from food to pass into the body’s cells where it is converted into energy, enabling muscles and tissues […]


Breast cancer: Towards a healthy lifestyle by Dr. Eva Ciruelos

Breast cancer remains a very prevalent disease in our midst The incidence rate is 65 new cases / 100,000 inhabitants / year, which means that about 22,000 women are diagnosed in Spain every year. These figures, together with the annual reduction of the mortality rate by 2-3%, make it a very prevalent disease, ie the […]


Cardiac Rehabilitation

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death worldwide (in Europe it is estimated that a total of 4 million deaths are caused by cardiovascular diseases). Fortunately, in recent years the first cardiovascular activity occurs at a later age. This has been achieved through:   Advances in the treatment of acute CVD (acute coronary […]


Dr. Rosa Ramiro Sanchez joins our team of specialists, a Medical Master in Dietetics and Nutrition

HC Marbella is in luck, Dr. Rosa Ramiro Sanchez joins our team of specialists, a Medical Master in Dietetics and Nutrition, with extensive experience in the treatment of obesity and improved athletic performance, as well as dissemination and training for health.


Sánchez Ramiro, Rosa

Especialista en Medicina de la Nutrición   Publicaciones especialista en HC Do what you know… But do it Pautas para mantener el peso y la salud en navidad HC Marbella en la travesía a nado de Javier Mérida Reajuste de Hábitos Dietéticos tras el verano Dr. Rosa Ramiro Sanchez joins our team of specialists, a […]


Alcohol related damage represent more 7% of health problems

Excessive alcohol consumption causes 3.3 million deaths a year worldwide.


Martín, Nicole

HC Marbella Internal Medicine Specialist   HC specialist publications Tribute to all cancer patients Specialty Internal Medicine Proffesional number 292907094 Work chronology Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Brussels (ULB) and specialist in Internal Medicine (October 1988 to September 1993).   She obtained the diploma of Doctor of Medicine, Surgery and Births […]


Aguilar Urbano, Víctor

Digestive System Specialist   HC specialist publications El Reflujo gastroesofágico (ERGE) tiene un tratamiento sin cirugía Man kann den gastroösophagealen Reflux dank des Stretta-Systems behandeln Radiofrequency Ablation Technique for Barrett’’s Esophagus or HALO Specialty Digestive system Professional number 2909513 Training 2014: Doctoral thesis: “Non alcoholic steatohepatitis in adult population with features of metabolic syndrome”.   […]




Online appointment and download of test results through My HC.

Tel.: +34 952 908 628

952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy




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