Jardines HC Marbella 2018

HC Marbella Search Results




Valdés, Héctor

Cirujano plástico de HC Marbella Director de la clínica Hector Valdés en Santiago de Chile Especialidad Cirugía Plástica y Reparadora Nº Colegiado 282852313 Cronología de trabajo Licenciado en Medicina por la universidad de Chile en 1981 y doctorado en Cirugía en 1982.   Se especializó en el Perfeccionamiento de Prácticas médicas y Cirugía de Emergencias […]


Calculate your Body Mass Index

This index is only valid for people over 18. It does not apply to athletes, pregnant women, children, or adults over the age of 70.   Weight (Kg.) / Height (m2) BMI= Kg./ m2   BMI <18.5 Underweight (Less than 59.24 kg.) BMI 18.5-24.9 Healthy weight (From 59.28 and 80.07 kg.) BMI 25-26.9 Overweight Class […]


Elective surgery

▪ Hernia Repair of abdominal wall with mesh without tension.   ▪ Gall bladder Laparoscopic cholecystectomy due to gallstones.   ▪ Thyroid Thyroidectomies and surgery for hyperparathyroidism.   ▪ Breast cancer Conservative and reconstructive surgery.   ▪ Biopsy Management of benign breast lesions.   ▪ Hiatal hernia Open and laparoscopic procedures for acid reflux.   […]


Laparoscopic surgery

An approach to surgery via a minimal incision that leads to precise results.   Our surgeons have many years of experience with the most advanced techniques in minimally invasive surgical procedures. As a result, there is less tissue damage and scarring is reduced.   The benefits to the patient are evident: the post-operative phase is […]


Men’s health check-up

HC Marbella’s men’s health check-up allows an individual to know his current health status through personalised advice and a multidisciplinary approach.   The men’s health check-up includes the appropriate examinations for men of all ages: ▪ Blood pressure check. ▪ Blood test. ▪ Tests to assess kidney and liver function and anaemia ▪ Urinalysis to […]


Women’s health monitoring programme

HC Marbella offers a comprehensive and detailed assessment of women’s health, something which enables patients to understand and be aware of their current state of health and receive personal advice on maintaining their well-being.   We also offer a wide range of services for personalized early detection in accordance with each patient’s specific needs.   […]


POSE Technique

Stomach reduction via the mouth   The POSE (Primary Obesity Surgery Endoluminal) technique involves reducing the stomach through the insertion of an endoscope in the mouth, resulting in a weight loss of between 45% and 55%.   The aim of this endoscopic technique is to generate a feeling of constant fullness so that the patient […]


Gastric Sleeve

A Gastric Sleeve is a laparoscopic surgical procedure in which the capacity of the stomach reduced by about 80% by removing a vertical portion of the left side of the stomach. This is irreversible.   In permanently decreasing the capacity of the stomach by 80% (volume restriction), we also eliminate the gastric fundus, which is […]


Gastric Bypass

A laparoscopic gastric bypass is a bariatric surgery technique that links two mechanisms of action:   ▪ Restriction: We reduce the capacity of the stomach so that the patient feels satisfied with smaller amounts of food. ▪ Malabsorption: By connecting the stomach directly to the intestine, not all the nutrients that are ingested are absorbed, […]


Gastric Band

Gastric Band: surgical solution   Gastric band surgery is a procedure that facilitates weight loss. In the United States it is performed more often than any other surgical method, as it is considered to be the safest.   The gastric band is a silicone band that is placed around the stomach, decreasing its capacity by […]


Intragastric balloon

Intragastric balloon: non-surgical solution   The intragastric (IG) balloon is the non-surgical and non-pharmacological solution for controlling weight. A high-resistance silicone balloon is inserted in the stomach in an endoscopic procedure and then filled with 400-700 ml of sterile saline. This painless procedure is done under sedation, without general anaesthesia. It is done on an […]




Online appointment and download of test results through My HC.

Tel.: +34 952 908 628

952908898 Oncology
951829978 Diagnosis by imaging
951829947 Gynecology
952908897 Fertility
951829947 Physiotherapy




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