

HC Marbella’s Allergology Unit offers a comprehensive allergy service, providing diagnostics, treatment and monitoring for all types of allergic disease.
Our allergology team work together with the Respiratory and Dermatology Units using a multi-functional approach to the condition, providing solutions to alleviate symptoms.



¿Qué es la alergia?

An allergy is the body’s exaggerated defence reaction to external substances it encounters.
These substances (allergens) can enter the body through:

  • The airway
  • The digestive system
  • The skin

Although harmless to most people, these allergens may be recognized by our immune system as foreign substances. The body tries to neutralise them by producing antibodies which generate inflammatory processes leading to allergy symptoms.

Allergies can develop throughout life, from infancy through to adulthood, although the way they manifest may vary over the years.
Causes of allergy are multifactorial, there are however risk factors that sometimes contribute to their development, these include

  • Having a family history: parent, or sibling with an allergy or asthma.
  • Environmental factors: such as pollution, diet or lifestyle.


Most of the time allergy symptoms are mild, an itchy nose and eyes, sneezing, nasal congestion…, but sometimes more severe symptoms may be triggered including breathing difficulties (asthma) or even fatal symptoms such as anaphylaxis.
When symptoms appear following contact with a possible allergen, it is important to see an allergy specialist. The specialist is able to assess and discuss the different treatment options to help both control the symptoms and prevent further reactions, to significantly improve quality of life.

The diagnostic methods used at HC Marbella’s Allergology Unit are suitable for all types of allergies. Depending on each case, the specialist may organise the following:

  • Comprehensive investigation of rhinitis/rhinosinusitis and asthma
  • Study of allergy to medicines and foods, desensitisation to drugs or induction of tolerance to cow’s milk and/or egg protein
  • Study of allergic contact dermatitis
  • Study of urticaria and angioedema
  • Study of eosinophilic oesophagitis
  • Molecular study of different types of allergy, including molecular diagnosis
  • Diagnostic study of physical urticaria
  • Molecular studies with total IgE quantification, determination and quantification of specific IgE antibodies (molecular diagnosis). Study of the role of complement.

consulta de alergología

Allergology Unit

The best possible therapeutic options, personalised treatment.
Latest technology in diagnostic and treatment.
Excellent personal care.



Videos allergology

Tel.: +34 952 908 628
+34 609 148 799

952908898 Oncology
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